eva mendes

eva mendes. Eva Mendes
  • Eva Mendes

  • brayhite
    Apr 11, 11:55 AM
    I have to laugh to myself whenever I read someone say "If Apple waits too long, I may jump ship and head over to Android/RIM/Win7/whatever."

    Yeah, right. And then come December you'll make a thread titled "Owned Droid 3, now own iPhone 5 and LOVE IT!!!!"

    Apple won't suffer from delaying. If iPhone 4 and survive "antenna-gate", I doubt a 3-6 month delay of releasing a product will have a lasting negative effect on them at all.

    eva mendes. Eva Mendes Poses For The
  • Eva Mendes Poses For The

  • Markov
    Jun 8, 08:47 PM
    Do they? I thought they phased them out, along with most of the other electronic hobbyist items that they alone used to carry.

    Some stores do, the one I work in does.

    That's me!
    Nearest Apple Store is 90 minutes away. Nearest Authorized AT&T store that would carry the iPhone is like 60. Radio shack is just 10 minutes.

    I'm wondering though, what would be the advantages/disadvantages to buying it at Radio Shack vs AT&T vs The Apple Store? Once I have the item purchased, will I notice any sort of difference what-so-ever?


    Uh... no. It's the same iPhone 4. Why would there be a difference?

    I used to work at radioshack too and the resources there suck. Activation will take longer than usual and they can mess up your account/credit. I hated activating phones cause it was a hassle since we were not connected directly with carriers.

    Wrong. They've changed that. We get to customers faster, upgrades typically take 5 minutes if ATT isn't slow or down.

    I would rather just order it online if I didn't want to drive to an Apple Store.

    Seriously, RadioShack needs to die.

    Seriously? You mean, your not joking? Why should RadioShack die? The other stores need the competition. And why would you be against going to RadioShack?

    eva mendes. Eva Mendes launched her new
  • Eva Mendes launched her new

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 23, 11:46 AM
    Some called them 'the coalition of the billing' because so many members were paid off in some way.

    For the Brits, that would be 'the coalition of the shilling'. :p

    eva mendes. Eva Mendes 330x495
  • Eva Mendes 330x495

  • Porchland
    Aug 7, 04:11 PM
    Looks very nice. Spaces will become a "how did we live without this?" feature as expose already has.

    Does anyone know when we can expect a video of the WWDC to be uploaded??:confused:

    I can't really tell how Spaces will work the Expose.

    Apple's Leopard Sneak Peak says:

    Configure your Spaces by visiting the Dashboard and Exposé preference pane in System Preferences. Add rows and columns until you have all the desktop real estate you need. Arrange your Spaces as you see fit, then assign what function keys you want to control them. You can also lock specific applications to specific Spaces, so you’ll always know where, say, Safari or Keynote is at all times.

    I could the simulteneous use of both getting a little confusing.

    My main concern overall about Leopard is that feature creep is going to cut into ease of use.

    eva mendes. Eva Mendes Hot Photo
  • Eva Mendes Hot Photo

  • dscuber9000
    Mar 22, 10:52 PM
    Oh yeah... and here's a fun little nugget for those who like to tout Obama's coalition:

    Do you think the scale of our intervention is anywhere close to the scale of our intervention in Iraq? We don't even have any troops in Libya! We barely even need a coalition at all! I'm sorry that you're still sore about how the war in Iraq went, but trying to compare this to it is just stupid. Just stupid.

    eva mendes. Celeb o#39;the Day - Eva Mendes
  • Celeb o#39;the Day - Eva Mendes

  • Slumpey
    Apr 8, 06:53 AM
    To avoid any hastle buy the ipad 2 from target. Was able to buy two on different days using their inventory tracker found on the web.. They don't hastle you with service plans, unnecessary accessories, etc which best buy does.

    Sent from my HTC Incredible using Tapatalk

    eva mendes. Eva Mendes looked pretty hot
  • Eva Mendes looked pretty hot

  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 6, 09:54 PM
    Apple should forget intel and put a quad-core A6 chip in the MacBook Air. Re-architecture Mac OS to run on ARM (OS Xi) and rule the world.

    I think this is a very smart direction to be going.

    eva mendes. Eva Mendes Graphic
  • Eva Mendes Graphic

  • coder12
    Mar 22, 09:30 PM
    I hear that the PlayBook is really easy to hold one-handed. If you know what I mean.

    Hmm... yah, I think I get it! (I assume you're holding coffee in the other hand ;) ;) )

    eva mendes. of eva mendes
  • of eva mendes

  • andiwm2003
    Apr 25, 03:01 PM
    Maybe next time read the post you are responding to - rather negatively to boot. The post I quoted discussed Apple exploiting people.

    So an old post says apple is exploiting them and you imply I said that then? I said on numerous occasions clearly that this is not about Apple using this data. Interesting way to quote posts you have there:rolleyes:

    eva mendes. eva mendes09 Eva Mendes
  • eva mendes09 Eva Mendes

  • ctdonath
    Mar 22, 03:14 PM
    The prices are official. Stop this fanboy **** about "it's not released yet".

    Well, it isn't.
    And when it is, it's at best a tiny marginal improvement over what's already available.

    0.1mm thinner? uh, ok.
    Better camera? wait, weren't the haters whining about using a tablet as a camera? ok, so it's a better version but still inferior to other pocket cameras & SLRs.
    Android? shrug.
    Likewise other specs. Apply standard iPad2 naysaying as appropriate.

    Yeah, nice it's better (a little), but it's struggling to catch up to where the iPad already is right now, and will reach consumers when the iPad2 is already a quarter thru its life cycle.

    eva mendes. Eva Mendes 305x460
  • Eva Mendes 305x460

  • aohus
    Apr 19, 01:52 PM
    wow @ post 2.

    apple will have a hard time fighting this in court.

    eva mendes. Eva Mendes
  • Eva Mendes

  • Micjose
    Apr 25, 01:45 PM
    lol, i think the people are just cashing in ;)

    eva mendes. Eva Mendes Wallpaper
  • Eva Mendes Wallpaper

  • G4DP
    Mar 26, 01:35 AM
    So what we saw in the pre-view was basically it?

    I hope not. because they'll have a hard time to justify the �100 upgrade charge if it is.

    eva mendes. the-spirit-eva-mendes.jpg
  • the-spirit-eva-mendes.jpg

  • Eidorian
    Aug 26, 05:50 PM
    Anyone know of benchmarks comparing the core duo with the core 2 duo?http://guides.macrumors.com/Merom#Benchmarks

    eva mendes. Eva Mendes Hates Fur
  • Eva Mendes Hates Fur

  • camelsnot
    Apr 5, 08:04 PM
    I'd really like to see FCS become of a single app where the "suite" of apps becomes more of a "mode" of operating. In other words if you choose to do editing the UI can switch to a mode that focuses on that, as with compositing, titles (LiveType) or audio editing (Soundtrack).. and so on.

    sorry but that's not the case. While some contend it's jaw-dropping, that's only because they're stacking it up against what FCS is currently. Compared to what Avid and Adobe are doing, Apple now has a mountain to climb. Apple has been too interested in their entertainment business to worry about their "pro" line (hardware/software). I know quite a few studios who have already shifted BACK to Avid and some are taking on the Adobe Suite completely as their software of choice. While some may find the new FCS exciting, and it does have some bells and whistles, it's typical Apple doing an incremental bump to keep up with what others are doing. Sad really.

    eva mendes. Eva Mendes
  • Eva Mendes

  • Enigmac
    Aug 7, 03:31 PM
    Not a glimpse of the Finder...! :eek:
    *cough* TOP SECRET *cough* :rolleyes:

    eva mendes. Uncategorized Eva Mendes
  • Uncategorized Eva Mendes

  • littleman23408
    Nov 30, 09:54 PM
    Its tough, but i did it. Unless you are going to hit someone you really dont need to slow down for many turns. The buses dont go fast enough for it to be a problem. You can get to 11th at the first turn but cutting in very close to the cone (dont hit it!) and downshifting to slide a little. Sneak into 11th and start drafting the bus in front of you. Theres an easy left where you can pass on the inside and take one more place, then get as close to the tires on the right as possible and you'll be able to grab a few more spots before you hit the 2nd straight.

    The next turn is a hard left into an easy 180� right. Be careful on the left as its easy to hit a cone, then cut close to the inside of the right. When you get out of that turn you should be directly behind the blue and teal buses. You wont be able to pass them for a while so draft as best as you can until you get to the hard left at the complete other end of the track. Take that turn really wide and stay to the inside as you exit. You should be able to stay at speed and sneak right by if you are careful enough to not bump into them. If you are too close just back off a little, as long as you pass the blue buses at this turn you are doing great. Just be careful.

    The next is a hard left that takes you back to the starting line. If you got ahead of the blue and teal bus there will be a bit of congestion there. Stay close to the inside but be careful you dont hit the grass too much. You should be able to get 5th or 6th before the 2nd lap starts. Follow the same lines as before and watch your corners for a chance to pass on the inside. I got to 1st at the last long straight, but the dark green bus in front is a little violent, so screw the line and do whatever it takes to stay away from him. Take both last lefts carefully and you'll grab first.

    Its tough, but possible when you learn the track. I havent tried the Lotus challenge yet because i've been working on licenses, but i assume its roughly the same process just much faster.

    Cool thanks. I will give this a try. Anything to get this bus done. I hate the tasks where whatever it is you are driving is real slow!

    eva mendes. Eva Mendes - Photos of Eva
  • Eva Mendes - Photos of Eva

  • oregonmac
    Nov 29, 01:11 PM
    see http://www.tunecore.com/

    Universal is simply increasing the rate of their own demise. And why do they think artists find them necessary?

    eva mendes. eva mendes beverly hills
  • eva mendes beverly hills

  • Lesser Evets
    Mar 26, 05:11 AM
    APRIL 1st--scheduled date of Gold Master.

    The joke is that it won't be a stable OS for another year. Or longer.

    Apr 27, 08:25 AM
    5. Can Apple locate me based on my geo-tagged Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower data?

    Aug 18, 05:23 AM
    A blue PS3 is a nice idea.

    Aug 6, 12:15 PM
    Mac OS X Leopard
    Introducing Vista 2.0




    I am going to channel a drag queen right now.


    Apr 6, 03:41 PM

    Aug 6, 05:46 PM
    So to post my top bets for WWDC...

    1) A much clearer roadmap for 64 bit support in Mac OS X. I believe they will outline full 64 bit support across all non-10.4 deprecated frameworks (I believe in the initial release of 10.5). Of course it will also fully support 32 bit applications run side by side with 64 bit applications.


    2) Resolution Independent UI will be ready for main stream use with display products possible with in the next year or two (would love to be surprised with 150-200 DPI or so display of course).

    Check. They've had a lot of time to work this one out.

    3) Quartz 2D Extreme will be ready for main stream use along with some good news on the OpenGL front.


    4) Full roll out of the unified user interface look and fell across all frameworks and Apple applications (at least most).

    Check, but I'm not one of the bozo militant unified interface nazis that apply the uno concept without exception across the board. In my mind, an OS should be an OS, not a unique application in and of itself. (Yeah, you Microsoft) The main thing an OS should do as far as the user is concerned should be relatively simple: assist you in finding and organizing your stuff in the easiest, most efficient manner possible. Other than that it should stay out of the way. All apps (regardless of whether they are Apple apps provided with the OS or any others) should honor the basic global UI elements of the OS, i.e., the three buttons at the top left of a window and general menu commands for opening, saving, etc.), but the appearance the application window should be left open to the application's author should it add some sort of benefit in using the application.

    In other words, I like how Garageband has the faux studio mixing board wood paneling as part of it's window. It's not a matter of life and death, but it's pleasant and makes Garageband stand out from other apps for what it's intended purpose is. The unified interface nazis may disagree with this approach, but most of the GUI guidelines they cite about this stuff where valid back in the day of the original Mac OS, the original GUI. Times have changed and those guidelines never foresaw today's modern graphic abilities to approach the GUI in new innovative ways such as Expose, or Dashboard, or other uses of 3d as a an effective way of presenting a GUI to the user. So the uno concept is ok provided that it doesn't reverse course and head backward instead of forward.

    5) Improved Quartz API to allow for more advanced window styles and effects.

    Check, and see above.

    6) PowerMac replacement with Quad core model... a true workstation class system (likely similar enclosure to what we have now in the PMG5).

    Check. Sure, why not?

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