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  • cecildk9999
    Nov 22, 07:45 AM
    I wouldn't mind having Apple sell them (and I'm guessing they will to some degree), but we also have to think in terms of the market as is. If I can get a free phone through my provider every x years, I'm going to do that instead of buying outside the company (even if it is crap). If I can get an upgrade for between $50 and $300, I might consider it when I'm in the store renewing my plan. Apple can gain presence only by going through established channels; it's not to say that you won't be able to buy one in an Apple store, just that consumers who like to do comparison shopping when they get their phones might like to see an iPhone in a TMobile/Verizon/3rd party carrier store.

    wallpaper car sport. Wallpaper Car Sport
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  • MacRumors
    Aug 11, 08:56 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Reghardware claims (http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2006/08/11/apple_macbook_to_get_merom/) cites a Chinese language report that Apple is readying both of its laptop models for Core 2 Duo "Merom" CPU's, due next month. There had been some Page 2 rumors that Apple would update the MacBook pro to include Merom at WWDC which failed to materialize, but this is the first report that has indicated that Apple would also move its more consumer-oriented laptop model to Core 2 Duo that quickly. AppleInsider has previously suggested (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/07/20060711225142.shtml) that the MacBook would remain a Core Duo "Yonah" CPU for the time being.

    While no hard insider information exists pointing to the specs of the new machines, currently Merom tops out at 2.33 GHz, so it is not unreasonable to believe that Apple will use the 2.33 GHz chip in its MacBook Pro, and slightly slower speeds in its MacBooks. Also of note, Merom being a Core 2 Duo chip has architectural advances over Core Duo ("Yonah") such as 64-bit support and a 4 MB L2 Cache in higher end models.

    wallpaper car sport. Sport Car Wallpaper
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  • McGiord
    Apr 9, 06:19 PM
    The official Mac answer is:

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  • ddeadserious
    Apr 26, 02:46 PM
    iOS is stale.

    They haven't made an significant UI changes since 2007.

    While Apple can continue to release a beautifully engineered and sleek phone, they need to focus on making iOS up to par with the features that Android offers.

    In terms of OS, the only thing iOS seems to do better is simply being more stable.

    I sold my iPhone 4 last month and bought an Android phone. The only thing I miss? The retina display and the Facebook app. I'm willing to deal with a bit of instability for the immense amount of extra functionality that Android offers.

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  • FarmerBob
    Nov 22, 04:52 AM
    Just because Palm thinks it's that hard to make a phone doesn't necessarily mean that Apple would have had the same difficulties.

    Apple can't make a proper OS much less a working phone. Get real. They have a ton of really good patents, as per all the latest leaks, but it will be a very long time before we see, if at all, them all together in the iPhone we would expect from Apple.

    And Cingular is long out of the picture. They went elsewhere.

    Also having been part of the cellular revolution, I know full well that the individual carriers will want the operations software of the "iPhone" contoured to their liking so much that it will defeat the purpose of the piece. Over the years many manufacturers have pulled phones from carriers because the level of bastardization of the phone software that the carrier required messed up the phone so much that the phone maker didn't want to be blamed for an inferior product. In the US there is no such thing as a truly accepted fully operational unlocked unit. Elsewhere in the world that is mostly how you buy a phone. Phone first, then a carrier. Not the other way around.

    wallpaper car sport. Wallpaper Car Sport
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  • scupking
    May 6, 07:53 AM
    Intel makes some great processors. It would be a bad idea to move to ARM. Sure keep ARM in the mobile world like the iPad and iphones but don't bring them to laptops and desktops. Can't wait to see how Intels ivy bridge is next year.

    wallpaper car sport. Sport Wagon Car Wallpaper
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  • lukecro
    Mar 27, 04:12 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    A slightly improved version of the iPad 2 could also be released around that time, to be sold alongside the current version. September's Apple event could be a lot more than just new iPods. iPad 2 only just launched yesterday in various other countries. It will most likely sell out there this weekend as well. Most people still have a few weeks to wait for ordered iPad 2's. They can barely meet demand now. App developers have barely even scratched the surface of updating and writing apps to take advantage of all the new goodies in the iPad 2. With the tragedy in Japan, some components are in short supply. iPad 2 has barely gotten out of the gate! With a track record like that for the iPad 2, I just can't see how anyone can believe any type of iPad 3 launch will take place in the Fall. Besides, that's when they launch iPods for Xmas anyway. They already have a product schedule for that window. "2011 is the Year of iPad 2".

    Look for iPad 3 March/April 2012.

    Steve Jobs said there was no point in making a small iPad - but maybe apple will work around that by making a big iPod Touch. Perhaps in the fall, at the iPod event, they'll announce a 6"-7" Maximum Touch, aka iPad Mini. It'll run iPhone/Touch apps but not iPad apps. They sort out the screen resolution/display in a way so that iPhone apps will be automatically blown up to fit the screen so developers won't have to create iPad Mini-specific apps. No retina display. Will be kept at a modest price point - between the regular iPad and Touch prices. Released just in time for the holiday shopping season: An iPad that's cheaper than a regular iPad and can fit in a purse. A great present for the wife. It'll be THE stocking stuffer of the year. This iPad mini could be what the "new iPad in September" rumors are really about. Just don't call it an iPad 3 or Mr. jobs will get mad. It's the "Big Touch," yo.

    wallpaper car sport. Nissan skyline sports car
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  • Bilbo63
    Apr 5, 01:55 PM
    The theme is fugly as can be anyway. I'd never put that on my phone.

    wallpaper car sport. Wallpaper Car Sport
  • Wallpaper Car Sport

  • wacky4alanis
    Nov 6, 08:42 AM
    So i assume you will be carrying the TomTom mount and iPhone as one piece at all times? :rolleyes:

    Of course you need to bring a mount - you need a mount either way. When I say "carry" I don't mean I keep it in a fanny pack 24/7. I mean I bring it with me when I travel. So let's count for the slow people...

    Mount + Garmin + iPhone = 3 items
    Mount + iPhone = 2 items

    Gee - 2 is less than 3! Yay.

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  • Loge
    Aug 7, 04:16 PM
    SO in the Paris expo is where we'll most likely see updated MBP? :confused:

    They don't need a special event for what will most likely just be an updated processor.

    wallpaper car sport. Mustang GT500 Sports Car,
  • Mustang GT500 Sports Car,

  • rtdunham
    Mar 27, 09:38 AM
    I've read the music-in-the-cloud might store only iTMS-purchased music. I hope that' s not the case. If I'm storing my music I want to store all of it, not have to keep track of which part of it's in the cloud and which remains hardware-based. Ditto for other media, for that matter.

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  • nanofrog
    Apr 28, 05:21 PM
    That all makes sense, but again, the plate is without vents. And even if they would go through the whole plate (which they don't), the PSU itself is still sealed, so no way to get hot air from the back of the PCIe section. If it gets any air from that section through the small holes that are in the plate that separate the sections, it gets cold air from the PCIe fan since the PSU's fan sits in front of the unit in close proximity to the PCIe fan. (wow, even I don't understand what I just wrote... :rolleyes:).

    Edit: This is a shot from my 2009 machine. As you can see, the plate doesn't have vents. This is the ODD bay but the part where the PSU sits looks the same.
    From the other image, it appeared as if the vents did go through.

    I'd expect some of the heated air from the PCIe section does make it in, but not much (i.e. up at the very front of the case, were it would mix with cool air that enters the front of the ODD bays).

    Either way, there doesn't appear to be enough heat movement from one section to another to cause any problems. ;)

    wallpaper car sport. Sport Car Wallpaper
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  • Unorthodox
    Aug 2, 04:04 PM
    Oh wait. Im not sure I understand the question.
    What do you mean "get a hold of that keynote"?
    You want to grab it?

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  • Ford Mustang wallpaper. Car

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 12, 08:54 AM
    I wouldn't hold my breath, the Back to School iPod promo has always been a bait to help clear out old inventory. They won't make it available to buy, online or off, until after the promo ends.

    This promo isn't to clear out Mac inventory, if anything it is to clear out iPod stock. If they hold back the Merom MBP just so I can't the free iPod I would be pissed and they would hear about it.

    wallpaper car sport. Veyron‑Grand‑Sport‑Car
  • Veyron‑Grand‑Sport‑Car

  • marcosscriven
    May 6, 02:37 AM
    Moving to a different architecture doesn't mean the death of Mac OS - all they need to do is compile it to the new target. Obviously not *quite* that simple, but ARM Mac != iOS Mac

    What I'm interested in though is how well any proposed ARM chip could emulate the Core i3/5/7s of today?

    If a future MacBook had an 8-core 64-bit ARM chip in that was twice as fast as Intel's offerings, and used half the power (say), but was the same price, the only thing that would stop me buying is if x86 emulation was poor.

    Basically, I don't care what processor is used, if older programs can be run *reasonably* well, for a year or so, before they are compiled for the new arch, or superseded by others. I'd be prepared to take a 20 - 30% hit on x86 apps in any interim changeover period.

    wallpaper car sport. Red Sports Car
  • Red Sports Car

  • Eidorian
    Jul 22, 04:15 PM
    Agreed. A light, small, cheap Apple laptop targeted at students would be excellent, and an education iMac that's available to the public would be great too. Unlikely, but I'm with you on this one.

    In other news, I expect the iMac to stay with an X1600 series card (because Apple have historically used the mid-range cards: 9600, X600, X1600 and possibly the rumored X2600s next year) so maybe an X1600 Pro and/or an XT. I also think that they should update the MacBook Pros graphics card because its a Pro laptop with a mid-range card so a Mobility X1800 would be nice.X600 Pro (iSight iMac G5 17") and X600 XT (iSight iMac G5 20") Hopefully we'll see a slight bump on the GPU.

    wallpaper car sport. Ferrari Super Cars Wallpaper
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  • Gasu E.
    Apr 25, 08:31 AM
    Well, I think the previous commenter's point has some validity. A great example of this "form over function" is the iMac. Mobile graphics (and poor ones at that), horrendous thermal management, limited stand orientation...but one damn fine looking computer:D Dont get me wrong, Apple does amazing things with their products. (Im obviously a fan :D) But I do think design is paramount to their efforts (not that function ever takes backseat, it just can be slightly lessoned on some releases). Now, IMO...they knocked both form and function out of the park with the iPad 2, iPhone 4, and 2010 MBA. Bravo

    I have to respectfully disagree. Having a large monitor in a small compact desktop form factor was important to me. I have very limited deskspace, even less floorspace, and a variety of needs for the large monitor. You may call this "form", but as far as I am concerned, this is "functionality", since a larger package forces me to make other compromise in my life.

    wallpaper car sport. photo of Bmw sports car
  • photo of Bmw sports car

  • kcroy
    Jul 29, 10:19 PM
    I will now be picturing Steve Jobs answering that phone during his Keynote in my dreams. :)

    wallpaper car sport. Seksi car
  • Seksi car

  • ChazUK
    Apr 23, 04:30 PM
    Wish Apple did something towards resolution independence and not make images bigger and bigger. :confused:

    That was what I was about to say. Assets getting bigger and bigger would be a waste of space wouldn't it?

    Apr 15, 04:18 PM
    Assuming (1) changes in tax policy have immediate effects, and (2) there is no such thing as as normal economic business cycles that overlay tax changes.

    Is there such a thing as a "normal economic business cycle"? Seems like every cycle involves a different regulatory environment, different tax structure and different fad currents. How can one even suggest that what worked before will work again? (My car was overheating and losing coolant, so I replaced the water pump, therefore, if I experience more overheating and leaking, that is what I should do again.)

    Really, the cycles appear to be too steep on both sides. To me, it looks like the sheep converging on what is hot at the moment are causing the bubbles. A roaring economy almost always leads to a crash, we should have smoother growth with shallower cycles, perhaps by throttling massive movements of capital. An unregulated market does correct itself as needed, but the corrections sure look a lot worse than they need to be. At least as far as I can see.

    May 5, 08:49 AM
    ravenvii, correct me if i am wrong, but wouldn't the points remaining be 2, and not 3, since in the turn he summoned and placed the goblin he would not be collecting any point?
    vR1T1:collect 1 point, TP=1
    vR1T2:use point for goblin, TP=0
    vR2T1: collect point?. TP=1?
    vR2T2: collect point?, TP=2?

    Assuming the goblin costs one point, let's say the villain does this:

    R1T1 Collect 1 point
    R1T2 Collect 1 point, summon Goblin
    R2T1 Collect 1 point
    R2T2 Collect 1 point

    Villain now has 3 points left, see?


    Loras turned around and regarded the room they found themselves in. As the rest of the group walked around the Goblin's head to join Loras in the middle of the room, they found that their torch was barely enough to put the entire room into view.

    It was a empty room, with decrepit walls and cracks along the once-magnificent floor. All they could see on the floor is the body of the Goblin near the far wall, it's head near the door they came through, and unfortunate Wilmer's body lying near another door.


    Nov 3, 01:28 PM
    anyone here have a Itouch they can use to test it out with?

    Dec 13, 10:59 PM
    In the meantime, as the Mac user we have some responsibility not to spread Windows viruses to PCs when technology is there.
    No, we do NOT have any responsibility to protect Windows users from viruses. It is each computer user's responsibility to protect themselves. Even if every Mac ran antivirus, Windows users are still at a much greater risk from other sources of malware. The common sense approach is for every Windows user to run their own antivirus to protect themselves from malware, whether that malware comes from a Mac user or another source. Mac users do not have a responsibility to burden their computers with AV apps, just because some Windows users may be careless enough to run without AV protection.

    Mac Virus/Malware Info (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=9400648&postcount=4)

    I used AppDelete and it took off everything except the icon on my top bar. When I click on the icon, it says there are updates available... dooooh...
    AppDelete left a lot more than that behind. Application removal apps are ineffective (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=10903768#post10903768). Manual removal (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=11171082&postcount=16) is more complete and reliable.

    Apr 25, 09:25 AM
    This whole thing is stupid. Of course the iPhone will track what cell towers and wi-fi access points are around it. It needs this information to be able to make phone calls and access the internet. It makes sense that this info be stored so that it does not have to gather in info every time (basic cacheing). What Apple did not anticipate was that someone would find this database and would start screaming about an "invasion of privacy". It is probably something that Apple could have foreseen and they should have encrypted this info, but until someone proves that this info is actually being transmitted back to Apple, it's just a bunch of crap.

    Thank you - this is the first post I read where someone provided a simple and easy to understand reason why this information needs to be on the phone. I am not saying the information is right, because I am not a techie.

    I understand that the information doesn't go anywhere, but it would be nice to know why the phone collects it in the first place. If the explanation above is accurate, then I get it. If it is not accurate, then perhaps someone else can provide an explanation as to why it is needed.

    I think this is a much more rational discourse than all the fanboy versus troll responses.

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