wallpaper kitchen

wallpaper kitchen. Image 1 - wallpaper, kitchen,
  • Image 1 - wallpaper, kitchen,

  • kingtj
    Nov 24, 10:39 AM
    PDA Phones aren't "on the way out", but the problem is, manufacturers haven't figured out how to give the public what they really want in one.

    Palm may not be so foolish with their statement discounting Apple, only because they're probably right that Apple isn't really going to put a dent in their particular market.

    I've seen so many realtors, insurance agents, company CEO's, and other traveling salespeople relying on Treo phones every day, and it's largely because they need the PDA functionality plus the cellphone.

    Most realtors in my area can use the IR port on a Treo to automatically open the lock-boxes on properties they want to show, for example.

    If Apple releases an iPhone, I think they'll be concentrating on good integration of the cellphone and a music player ... not so much a PDA, a la the Newton.

    The problem with Palm is they are on their way out. They got what? Treo? How long can that last? PDAs are over. So it's all about the phones now.

    They have to be worried. Apple has the midas touch. Whatever Apple get's into they change. Apple has a way of innovation that changes all of the dynamics. They weren't the first with the iPod, but their entrance into digital music has changed the whole music industry, not just digital music players.

    Apple could very well do the same thing with an Apple branded phone. Integrating it into the whole computer experiance in ways we can't even predict. To claim it takes years to make a phone "right" is just proof that Palm has very little to offer.

    The future of phone technology is going to change rapidly and dramically over the next few years. Apple can make billions of dollars in this market. They are going to go for it, and they will leverage their existing products to make it happen and to offer something new. Everyone is fixated on the iPod, but it's the integration with OS X that has the most interesting potential.

    Video iChat on your phone? Internet services? Email? Address? Calendar? Have you used a Palm or Blackberry? They are OK for what they do, but they could be so much better...a lot better. What they are missing is exactly what Apple has to offer -- and it isn't music.

    wallpaper kitchen. Kitchen baby iphone wallpapers
  • Kitchen baby iphone wallpapers

  • Don't panic
    May 4, 08:20 AM
    as other said, the leader mostly acts as the official speaker for the group, but he/she can also decide things of his/her own volition. This should ensure a bit more of pace to the game (since we don't have to majority vote every decision).
    later in the game, it also allows people with their own agenda
    if someone strongly disagree i think they can always unilaterally split out and go wherever they want, as long as it is before the official order in bold is given.

    I updated my post #47 with ravenvii correction, which now i think contains a more exaustive (second) explanation of the rules.
    ranvenvii, if you have time to to amend it where it is incorrect and add it as 'canon' to the original rule post, i think it would be helpful.

    back to our immediate business, I can be the fearless inspiring leader (for now), as long as i don't have to drag your lazy arses away from any sparkling trinkets you find on the way.
    and no, Wilmer, that mummified rat's leg does NOT constitute 'treasure' and you may NOT keep it as a pendant. geesh, i should send you for a month mining with my cousins in the old Moth O'Rol caves searching for them inexistent gggggems, and maybe you'd grow a spine.

    we have a qualified majority of votes, so i will lead the first group into the room top right, explore and then we can come back here and explore this room. this of course means that the barking donkey that is trying to impress us with his parlor tricks has time to build up some strength and put more monsters/traps in our way.
    if two-three want to split out now and explore this room while we move to the next, i think it is a good idea, especially you Rosius, since if we happen to meet a sea urchin or sommthing in there, you might get hurt, and as much as it pains me to admit, we might need your 'talents' later on.

    i'll wait till later in the morn and then go

    wallpaper kitchen. More Kitchen and Batch
  • More Kitchen and Batch

  • Full of Win
    Apr 5, 01:32 PM
    How one big multinational company arguing with another affects your phone, I don't quite understand. Oh, wait...you're saying you WANT to make your homescreen a Toyota ad?

    I tell you what, all you "I demand my freedom" folks confuse me more and more. The right to let Toyota advertise to you was never a big arguing point in the past for the radicals I used to read about.

    I just don''t like to see Apple flex their power to do things they cannot legally force under the DMCA (per The Library of Congress).

    wallpaper kitchen. Nina#39;s Wallpaper Patchwork
  • Nina#39;s Wallpaper Patchwork

  • radesousa
    May 6, 01:15 AM
    Hell, Apple has so much cash they should buy AMD. :D

    wallpaper kitchen. Themes Wallpaper Kitchen
  • Themes Wallpaper Kitchen

  • MattyMac
    Jul 29, 09:45 PM
    Pleasssssssssse...I've been waiting for this!

    wallpaper kitchen. wallpaper
  • wallpaper

  • ThaDoggg
    Apr 7, 10:58 AM
    This article definitely made me laugh. In a way good for Apple but on the other hand less competition is not good for us consumers.

    wallpaper kitchen. Kitchen Wallpaper Border
  • Kitchen Wallpaper Border

  • Don't panic
    May 6, 12:15 AM
    i assume that there are no changes to the map, so we have to go back.
    there won't be trasures, but there could be new traps, so we still hqve to search the rooms again

    however , we should split in a group of 5 and a single hero.
    we travel together but semi-shifted: the single explores, the 5 move to the next room (in case monstera are there). by rolling like that, we basically earn a turn every two. the single one rolling behind is safe because he will not face any monster, i think it should be rosius who has unique powers ( or so he claims ;)). the drawback would be that he wouldn't participate in any new treasure but we already searched for that.

    rosius if you agree ( or anyone else who agrees on being the rear) let us know and i'll split the group and let you behind. THEN you can follow in the same room. it is essential that the large group goes first ao if Morticia up there sent a welcoming party we can trash it.

    wallpaper kitchen. www.qualitypropainters.com
  • www.qualitypropainters.com

  • alvindarkness
    Apr 10, 01:21 PM
    Who said that this an equation? What is the variable that is unknown?

    2 is still winning!

    You don't need a variable for it to be an equation.

    Definition of Equation - An equation is a mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions. Equations consist of the expressions that have to be equal on opposite sides of an equal sign.

    Definition of Expression - In mathematics, an expression is a finite combination of symbols that are well-formed according to the rules applicable in the context at hand. Symbols can designate values (constants), variables, operations, relations, or can constitute punctuation or other syntactic entities.

    wallpaper kitchen. 1932 Kitchen Wallpaper
  • 1932 Kitchen Wallpaper

  • webman2k
    Apr 7, 10:34 AM
    All your screens are belong to us.

    wallpaper kitchen. Adriana wallpaper in Cranberry
  • Adriana wallpaper in Cranberry

  • tabaczka
    Sep 15, 06:18 PM
    I ordered my MBP today... the ship date isn't until the 20th? It said 24 hours on the site...

    A clue?


    wallpaper kitchen. nook of our kitchen (which
  • nook of our kitchen (which

  • beangibbs
    Apr 22, 12:01 AM
    I just don't wanna see the Mac Pro...key word here is "Pro"...iOS-ified.
    This isn't a consumer level device, it's not for buying it to show off the latest Apple toy.
    It is a workhorse, it is a behemoth, it is the king of kings when it comes to Mac desktops. Size-as long as it has power, i could care less how big it is/gets within reason. I want power, expansion capabilities, no SSD...especially no SSD...
    I don't mind solid state stuff in the iOS devices...I've even come around lately to liking solid state stuff to a certain degree more than in past months...but I don't want it exclusively in the Pro. If prices come down...which they will over time...cool. I'd put two HDDs in and two SSDs in.
    Optical drives...I want them in the unit. But if they can make it write or read CDs just as fast outside of it...(I admit not being educated on the differences performance-wise between an internal and external optical drive) I'd be fine getting it separate.

    I'm very excited, in any case to see what's going to come of the (supposed) update...if nothing else to ogle some shiny new piece of hardware.

    wallpaper kitchen. is the mix of wallpapers!
  • is the mix of wallpapers!

  • Pman17
    Mar 27, 03:34 PM
    I believe that they will announce iOS 5 next month or during WWDC. They have been late on their consistent announcements on iOS in March, probably because of the new cloud service and of course the iPad 2. We should at least expect iOS 5 developer kits to come out soon.
    There is one more point I would like to make... 2011 is the Year of the iPad 2.

    wallpaper kitchen. Hang some wallpaper.
  • Hang some wallpaper.

  • tigress666
    Apr 25, 11:45 AM
    The issue is more being concerned about those in abusive relationships and the like. You definitely don't want a physically abusive spouse to have access to your location information.

    Wow, some one who pointed out a realistic, not paranoid theory, reason why this is not a good thing (not that I don't think some people being paranoid have a point. But I also think this scenario is a much more likely to happen reason why the info being stored on the phone unencrypted is a bad thing).

    1. Apple is not tracking you until they actually make the phone send them that info.The info stays on your phone and your computer so you have control over it (well as long as it doesn't get into some one else's hands). I don't even know why this is being discussed since it's not happening.

    2. I think the bigger problem is that the phone doesn't erase this info after a while and it doesn't encrypt it which makes it easier if some one takes your phone to get that info. Leaving it to issues of if people (criminals, abusive spouses, the government) steal your phone or force the info off. It makes it that much easier to them and that much more available.

    wallpaper kitchen. with Vintage Wallpaper
  • with Vintage Wallpaper

  • Bonte
    Nov 22, 07:03 AM
    Video iChat on your phone? Internet services? Email? Address? Calendar? Have you used a Palm or Blackberry? They are OK for what they do, but they could be so much better...a lot better. What they are missing is exactly what Apple has to offer -- and it isn't music.

    iChat is definitely going to be hugely important for Apple but so is letting all these features work seamlessly together with Windows users. The few options Apple has in this regard is making the iPhone Mac only or with Windows compatible apps or just bring osX to PC and be done with it.

    If we look at all the devices we want from Apple, they all need tight integration with the OS. An Apple branded iPod, iPhone, iTV, iSmart, iCamera, etc.. will be on the market sooner or later, so Apple will make and support countless Windows Apps or be osX only. I strongly believe that opening up osX will be easier to do and has a higher long term potential.

    wallpaper kitchen. A photo of wallpaper used in place of a backsplash
  • A photo of wallpaper used in place of a backsplash

  • michaelrjohnson
    Aug 2, 02:29 PM
    But minor speed bumps is all they have to talk about.
    It was the introduction of all these products that people keep referring to. IIRC, the MacBook, MacBook Pro, intel iMac, intel MacMini did not exist before January 1, 2006. All of these products were released in this calendar year.

    wallpaper kitchen. Hell#39;s Kitchen Wallpaper
  • Hell#39;s Kitchen Wallpaper

  • blazinz
    Apr 20, 12:27 AM
    Springing for just a faster processor. Dont't think thats gonna happen. I'll just stick with my iP4 until the following year...

    wallpaper kitchen. The pattern of the wallpaper
  • The pattern of the wallpaper

  • aznguyen316
    May 6, 04:25 AM
    No Intel, no care.

    wallpaper kitchen. Wallpapered kitchen
  • Wallpapered kitchen

  • thenewperson
    Mar 29, 09:17 AM
    This was one qtr, not total devices or did I miss somthing?

    No you didn't. People are always confusing this. Also most people believe iOS only comprises the iPhone.

    wallpaper kitchen. Kitchen, wallpaper
  • Kitchen, wallpaper

  • nologo
    Sep 16, 02:16 AM
    Internal Sony 5.25" ATAPI EIDE Blu-ray Drives Cost $750 At Fry's. So an internal mobile Blue-ray probably cost over $1,000. Plus I agree with all of the above. It's too soon. Blu-ray blank media is incredibly expensive - Prohibitively so - almost $1/GB - IE about $50 per 50GB and $25 per 25GB Blu-ray blank.

    Conventional Single Sided DVD blanks are down to about 5�/GB. I'd say that's a fairly large MEDIA COST GAP that only time will reduce. Until then, we've got quite a wait until the professionals drive up demand to the point where prosumers can rationalize a higher price of <20�/GB or so - IE where the $1.50 price of 8.5GB Dual Layer DVDs is now - about $10 per 50GB and $5 per 25GB Blu-ray blank. Make sense? Or do any of you see it another way?

    It is more conceivable that it would have a Blu-Ray ROM drive in a mobile, which would also help in starting the downward trend in price of the blue laser diodes. And basically, it seems more useful to have the ability to play blu-ray movies than burn a 25GB disc at that price and speed. Personally, of course, I don't see the Blu-ray thing happening this update but I do think that Apple wants to be a leader in this regard. The DVD-burning SuperDrive was always something that Apple touted as being ahead-of-the-curve when introing it in the PowerMacs - of course, it took them a while to integrate it into the Titaniums in a slot-load config. So yeah, thinking aloud here, but it ain't gonna happen until the Mac Pros start (at the very least) having a BTO option of a Blu-Ray ROM (but more likely a burner)

    Sorry for being stupid here, but why do you guys want magnetic latches? It just doesn't seem superior to me, but then again I haven't tried the new macbooks, I just know that the solution on my old 17" powerbook was fine.

    Magnetic latches have no parts to break. The mechanical latches still use a magnet, but a small metal hook gets pulled down by the magnet to hook the display section of the notebook to the keyboard portion. If this hook is somehow broken than the latch must be replaced - possibly requiring the display housing to be opened. With a magnet in the display and keyboard portions of the laptop, the only problems is the eventual weakening of the magnets (probably not an issue) and the fact that a fairly strong magnet is close to a hard drive and other electronic hardware that has the potential of being affected by magnets. That being said, I would think Apple's hardware engineers would have this problem covered or some Macbooks are going to have some pretty plucky HD problems. And they already use magnets in the latches of the MacBook pro's mechnical latch (not to mention MagSafe)- so the Macbook magnetic latch is just a different implentation of the magnets (and a superior one). Hope this makes sense....

    Sep 11, 02:51 PM
    Not really sure if any of the rumoured devices interest me tommorow, as living in the UK we probably will be denied any kind of movie download service (still waiting for tv show downloads to start) The media streaming device might be a cool idea but unless it had support for divx/transport stream files wouldn't really interest me either and cant imagine apple allowing support of an outside player like VLC and without any kind of download structure available to view apple sourced files outside the USA cant imagine it taking off. Having moaned a bit though I have still ordered a 24 imac and cant wait for it to arrive ( I love watching hdtv files on my 20' imac now so 24' must be heaven)

    Apple Corps
    Jul 21, 02:20 PM
    I posted this very early on:

    May 6, 07:50 AM
    Of course they will move to ARM, everyone will. Google is allready running their data centres on ARM based servers, Windows 8 will run on ARM as well, Apple is investing huge amount of money into their A4, A5 chips. The main problem of computers nowadays is power efficiency and not computing power, because most of the computers allready are overpowerd for what their users usually do with them.

    Quite true... Most but not all... And Apple prizes themselves on having a "professional" line. So some products would have to remain out, but Apple usually likes to stick to one thing...
    But I really think we are still a few years away from it...

    Apr 5, 06:38 PM
    0 x 2 = 0


    Nov 3, 10:11 AM
    DOH - Not sure how this double posted - I wrote it and after submitting it I had to sign back in. Looks like my session timed out...

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