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  • cube
    May 6, 06:30 AM
    I'm aware of that, but the last time Intel promised ground breaking CPU technology we ended up with the Pentium 4 and Pentium D series.

    No. Their introduction of FinFETs is similar to the edge they had with the high-k metal gate process until not long ago.

    wallpaper pemandangan laut. Villas Pemandangan Laut
  • Villas Pemandangan Laut

  • stockscalper
    Apr 20, 08:02 AM
    I wonder how many of these they'll sale? If it's not due out until September, but everything still points to a summer release of the iPhone 6, which is supposed to be a redesign, then why not wait six more months? I'm due for a new phone this June and if the iPhone is delayed til September I will certainly wait six more months and get the redesigned one. I'm not crazy about this form factor anyway.

    wallpaper pemandangan laut. Bisa melihat pemandangan laut
  • Bisa melihat pemandangan laut

  • kristoffer4
    Mar 31, 03:24 AM
    Am I the only one having problems with the following default (moronified) settings?

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  • Download Wallpaper#39;s Salone

  • Multimedia
    Sep 16, 05:03 AM
    It is more conceivable that it would have a Blu-Ray ROM drive in a mobile, which would also help in starting the downward trend in price of the blue laser diodes. And basically, it seems more useful to have the ability to play blu-ray movies than burn a 25GB disc at that price and speed. Personally, of course, I don't see the Blu-ray thing happening this update but I do think that Apple wants to be a leader in this regard.

    The DVD-burning SuperDrive was always something that Apple touted as being ahead-of-the-curve when introing it in the PowerMacs - of course, it took them a while to integrate it into the Titaniums in a slot-load config. So yeah, thinking aloud here, but it ain't gonna happen until the Mac Pros start (at the very least) having a BTO option of a Blu-Ray ROM (but more likely a burner).What about the inclusion/release of Blu-Ray Drives?Why would they put Blu-Ray drives in? And where would they get them from? Sony just moved the release of PS3 in Europe to March '07 duo to lack of sufficient Blu Ray readers.Since Fry's is already selling Sony ATAPI Blu-ray burners for $750, why doesn't Apple see the selling opportunity as an offering on the Mac Pro BTO page? They dont even offer a $120 Plextor SATA DVD Burner on that page yet. Seems like they are being extremely conservative about adopting the next generation of Para-Superdrives. It's a conundrum to me. :confused: :eek:

    For whatever reason, Apple seems to not want to endorse Blu-ray nor HD-DVD yet by not offering either one. Guess they're not sure themselves which they think will be best for us in the long run or which one will win in the marketplace? I am confused about what's going on on this front. :confused:

    wallpaper pemandangan laut. Pemandangan+di+dasar+laut
  • Pemandangan+di+dasar+laut

  • DavidLeblond
    May 4, 02:49 PM
    I think I'll go with the App store method. I don't like discs lying around. I don't forsee having to ever have to install the OS from scratch however I do wonder how one would restore their backup from Time Machine in the event that their disk gets borked.

    wallpaper pemandangan laut. pemandangan bawah laut
  • pemandangan bawah laut

  • xraydoc
    May 6, 12:22 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_8 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E401 Safari/6533.18.5)

    And go through the whole ARM-native app vs. Rosetta mk. II emulation thing again, with transitional machines that never live up to their full potential? Unless ARM can compete with the resources of Intel and their 3D 22nm chip fab technologies, I think it'll be a rough transition giving us several years worth of under-performing Mac hardware.

    Can't see using an ARM processor for Final Cut Pro by 2014.

    wallpaper pemandangan laut. Jun jul pemandangan bawah laut
  • Jun jul pemandangan bawah laut

  • Eldiablojoe
    May 3, 11:00 PM
    I don't know what you guys mean by leaders. We make our decisions individually in the thread, right?

    No, I don't understand it that way. I understand that each group (one if we stay together, multiple if we split up) designates a leader. We do ALL of our conversation in the thread. Only the group leaders communicate the wishes of their group to the Game Gods via PM. They may take the consensus of the group, or they may implement decisions unilaterally without regard to group majority.

    wallpaper pemandangan laut. Lukisan+pemandangan+laut
  • Lukisan+pemandangan+laut

  • res1233
    May 6, 04:31 AM
    I'm off to start a new 'Dell in negotiations with Apple to license Mac OS X' rumor with a popular analyst. Story should be appearing on MR on Monday or Tuesday next week. Stay tuned.

    You crazy bastard(Bad word, don't ban me bro). :D That would be pretty funny though.

    Not possible with current laptop architecture. The only x86 CPUs AFAIK that are capable of multi-socket systems are Opterons and Xeons.

    Well, Xeons are closely related to their consumer counterparts. If Xeons can go dual-CPU, then it wouldn't be such a leap for an i7, even if it isn't possible yet. Most consumers most likely wouldn't even saturate a 4-core mac though. Eh, just food for thought I guess.

    wallpaper pemandangan laut. Lukisan+pemandangan+laut
  • Lukisan+pemandangan+laut

  • baleensavage
    Apr 26, 02:50 PM
    This is hardly surprising considering only Apple manufactures iOS phones and new Android phones are coming out each week. What's clear from this data is RIM and the others are quickly on their way out and many of those people are buying Android phones. But I do agree with others that Apple needs to start upping their game to compete. They should start with a low-end phone that has a smaller non-retina display and a few less other features that could get iOS devices into the hands of those that won't buy an expensive smartphone.

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  • menilai keindahan fisik

  • McGiord
    Apr 24, 11:29 AM

    Nice Ruler for measuring your devices output:

    Side Note:
    While reading different sites about screen resolution and retina display and different Apple marketing "bluffs", I got into this:
    Which models are like this?
    Is this real or another Apple hate thing?

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  • Eldiablojoe
    May 5, 10:58 PM
    Inside, gleaming in the staff's blue light, was a solid gold cylinder with two spheres making up its base.[/b]

    Oh! That doesn't sound the least bit phallic at all!

    wallpaper pemandangan laut. Pemandangan+laut+yang+
  • Pemandangan+laut+yang+

    May 4, 02:53 PM
    I dont think its going to be though the App Store. The only reason its thought he app store now is the minimise abuse.

    Anyway, what happens if you whole hard drive dies?
    What if you want to reinstall everything from scratch?
    There is just too many what ifs

    I think the should use USB flash drives rather then DVDs IF the flash drives are faster then the DVD

    The app store is for apps and not for a whole OS

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  • Wallpaper dengan pemandangan

  • GGJstudios
    Dec 14, 10:30 AM
    I knew someone would say that. ... I'm not usually there to talk to them about that kind of security ... The client gets you in for particular job that they're paying you for... So, by all means ask them about it,
    I've been a consultant for most of my business life. No matter what a client retains me to do, if I see another area where they need help, I'm going to discuss it. I'd be doing them a great disservice to "patch a broken arm" and ignore the "cancer" that represents a greater threat... and I tell them so. I've never had a client fail to appreciate this approach.
    but if they say they have, why should I doubt them?
    Because most clients are less computer literate than the consultants they hire. I don't rely on their word. I check their system(s). It's about being thorough and earning the fee I charge them. I would never leave a client's computer unprotected, unless I explained the risk in detail and they flatly refused. That has never happened, especially since there are great free antivirus solutions available.
    Just wanted to put forward another point of view where it might be useful beyond the phrase, "the Mac doesn't have viruses, why would you need it?"
    The flip-side of that phrase is, "Windows DOES have viruses; why wouldn't every Windows box have antivirus protection running?"

    wallpaper pemandangan laut. LUKISAN PEMANDANGAN DASAR LAUT

  • alhedges
    Mar 28, 11:28 AM
    There will be an iPhone 5 in June/July. People's expectations, and people's contracts, are too tied into the yearly update cycle for Apple to do anything else without running the risk if losing customers (especially 3GS owners) and losing buzz. It also gives other phones the chance for some anti-iPhone marketing - "the iPhone is dated, it can't keep up with modern phones, etc.".

    I also don't think that the Verizon launch will play any role - Verizon is just one US carrier, for one; for another, people on V contracts won't be any better off when their contract is 7 months old than they will be when their contract was 3 months old. But people who are waiting for a verizon iP5 may not wait if it goes beyond June/July.

    However, Apple may not make an announcement at WWDC. It wouldn't surprise me if they moved to the standalone stealth announcement model like they did for the iPad 2...maybe they have a special announcement the first week of June that the iP5 will be available the last week of June. Announcing things a couple of months in advance is nice for customers, but also gives competing handset makers a lot of lead time to perhaps alter existing designs to copy the iPhone.

    wallpaper pemandangan laut. LUKISAN PEMANDANGAN DASAR LAUT

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 4, 01:42 PM
    1. If you check Apple's knowledge database or the manual that come with MBP, it actually says not to put this laptop on top of your lap, ....

    I have a 4 year old Toshiba that runs (under moderate load) fairly cool. It also warned against using in lap.

    I think all "laptops" will come with that warning now. It is just an attempt to prevent lawsuits.

    Plus, guys, it is bad for your...ummm....baby makers...they are on the outside for a reason.

    wallpaper pemandangan laut. LUKISAN PEMANDANGAN DASAR LAUT

  • zw-gator
    Mar 28, 09:46 AM
    No way is this legit.

    More likely, Version has to wait until 2012 for the iPhone 5, AT&T gets it in June/July.

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  • indonesia,pemandangan laut

  • bella92108
    Apr 5, 02:35 PM
    Actually that's an ignorant and factually incorrect statement.

    iPhone users are more satisfied with their devices than other smart phone owners AND they sell more iPhones everyday.

    Hence the population is statistically growing.

    How was my statement ignorant? Look up the word "ignorant" ... you're one of the people who think ignorant means mean. It doesn't. In fact, your response was ignorant in the webster's dictionary sense "lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated"... because your statement is correct, that Apple IS selling more iPhones daily, but incorrect as a response to my statement. Android is presently outselling iPhone 2 to 1. AND Android OS satisfaction has increased significantly. You're comparing Apple's unchanged-in-4-years OS to Androids 2 year old OS.

    You may want to actually research something, regardless of your position in the matter, prior to arguing about it. You just sound like a fool when you argue based on opinion, not published statistic.

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  • convertible blue, Lukisan

  • corywoolf
    Aug 4, 01:08 AM
    I'm gonna go on record and say they will NOT intro new MBP at wwdc. Some sales of the current MBP are better than none and if they they intro a new one they will not sell any and probably just take pre orders. Not gonna happen. They will wait until late August or early September to announce them when they are actually ready.

    wallpaper pemandangan laut. Mempunyai pemandangan laut
  • Mempunyai pemandangan laut

  • Multimedia
    Sep 15, 10:37 PM
    Santa Rosa isn't a chipset, it's the name of the platform.

    It consists of Merom (eventually Penryn?), Crestline (i965 express chipset) and Kedron (802.11n).

    Santa Rosa won't affect performance a great deal.

    The faster FSB will make a difference of maybe 3-5%. Maybe a little more in bandwidth-sensitive applications (say, some forms of decompression).

    Less than than the difference between Yonah and Merom.

    The other big differences are the new graphics core -- which the MBP won't use, the 802.11n - for which the spec hasn't yet been ratified, and is something easily added by changing/adding a wifi card, and the Robson flash caching technology, which is probably the biggest difference.

    Note that Crestline is currently specced at consuming ~50% more power than the i945 chipset in Napa. Robson, however, should reduce some of that.

    It's quite ironic that after years of Powerbooks getting new G4's with tiny clockspeed boosts, something like Merom is considered "bland"(?)Thank You For This Excellent Analysis Of Santa Rosa And What It Will And Won't Be ergle2. Best I've read anywhere here so far.

    May 6, 12:39 AM
    This is the biggest load of ************ I have ever seen on this site. Why would Apple redesign everything in their notebooks to make this switch? What is gained by switching?

    Aug 3, 12:14 AM

    Twice the Battery life.
    Twice the L2 cache - 4MB
    20% more calculations at same speed.
    Same price as Yonah.

    Why not have these improvements ASAP? If you want to buy a Yonah Mac for less, just go to the refurb page. They are all there. If not, the one you want will come back soon. I monitor that page regularly and everything is in the refurb cycle now.

    are you trying to tell me that with Merom a macbook will get 12 hours on the same battery?

    maybe 20% better, but the real-world benchmarks show that 20% is not much at all, if anything.

    i'm not saying i don't want Merom, but i just don't see the big thing that Apple needs to instantly put Merom in everything that it sells that use a mobile processor.

    Apr 18, 03:51 PM
    Ridiculous. Nothing is at all similar, aside from the bezel. But then if that's an "infringement" then all those digital picture frame makers can sue Apple for copying their "user interface". Honeycomb itself, the actual aspect ratio, none of that is similar. Get a grip Apple.

    When I was considering an Android, I actually looked at the Samsung BECAUSE it was so much like Apples interface. I don't know what stuff you are looking at?

    Mar 31, 03:44 AM
    I for one am not really that bothered about Lion or any OS updates - I love to have the latest thing and all improvements are always good. However, in my opinion they need to fix the OS I have before they release another one! For example with the last "update" [10.6.7] my Open type fonts are now playing up and the wonderful new Mac App Store takes about a minute to launch!

    I get very worried when I hear El-Jobso talking about post a PC world as if he has decided already that the PC is dead. I for one could not make a living using an iPad and an iPhone.

    Macs have always historically been used by content creators and designers [like me]. If, sometime in the future, Apple plan to lock down the system like they do with the iOS then I will simply stop upgrading my system. I could carry on using the system I have now until I retire, so it makes no odds to me if they want to stop making "proper" macs. I would imagine the rest of the design community would feel the same.

    Don't get me wrong, I have an iPad and an iPhone and I can see how for the vast majority of consumers these would fit the bill for all your computing needs. However, if these consumers are going to have something to look at or play with or listen to, then us designers need the tools to create stuff with and that means powerful PCs.

    Aug 3, 07:23 AM
    It's not a "chintzy marketing ploy by Intel". It's a scientific test conducted by two Intel Marketing engineers which I always believe because Intel employees are honest people with families and friends who love them. :)

    intel employees don't lie? please tell me you didn't just say that

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