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  • arkitect
    Mar 28, 05:01 AM
    I accept same-sex-attracted people as they are. But I won't accept some things that many of them do.
    Such as?
    Loving one another?
    Finding happiness in a same sex relationship?

    So very christian of you� so very typical.

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  • flopticalcube
    Mar 13, 03:57 PM
    Probably, but it's speculation.

    Not really. Chernobyl has an estimated death toll of 4000. Let's multiply that by 10 for arguments sake. More people are killed each year in the US alone by car accidents. Nuclear power is still a fairly minor risk.

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  • Nermal
    Oct 7, 06:48 PM
    I had a couple apps brick my i730 back when I was on Verizon. I ended up having to hard reset and resync all my contacts.

    If you were able to reset and get it working again, then it wasn't bricked. "Bricked" means that the device now has the functionality of a brick. You cannot reset a brick, and certainly can't synch contacts with one :)

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 15, 11:47 PM
    I thought the same thing ... I wish I knew what was going to happen between now and the Concrete Fix.

    my guess keep cooling it with water. the reactors are shot and will have to be replaced as the sea water destroyed them.

    I think they are trying to keep them cool and cool them off enough to be able to take the reactors out and replace them. This would allow the planet to keep on be used. Pumping concrete in them forces the reactor buildings to be worthless and stuck their were forever as they can not move the waste to a better location.

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  • PittAir
    Apr 20, 11:11 PM
    Ask yourself what you do with your phone.

    Not the occasional "I've got to reprogram my companies IT network on the fly" (yeah right), but what you really do day in and day out. Think of the ease of getting apps that you need when you need and think of them, and think of the stability of those apps.

    Now think of your parents and what they do with their phone. What they really need, and how many times they call you with tech questions.

    Apple has thought these issues through pretty hard. Has Google with Android? Has Microsoft with WM7?

    For the advanced techie 0.05% of the population (the kind of guys who post on this board), it probably doesn't make a difference, and the ability to customize and probe the system may be more important.

    By focusing on controlling and optimizing the user experience of the individual for the average person over focusing on "spec wars," Apple is cleaning their competitor's clocks. They will continue to do so, since this is a corporate ethos of Apple from the very beginning.

    MS was great for the era of the centralized IT professional, which is now ending, as is MS dominance. Google is the world's greatest information aggregator, for which they will reap trillions into the future.

    Apple, however, will continue to dominate as it gets better and better at Steve Jobs 30 year old vision of optimizing the user experience of computing to the maximum extent.

    Nokia, Google, Blackberry (yes, screw you, arrogant Basille) etc should just throw in the towel at this point. They ain't catching up, and resistance is futile.

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  • Number 41
    Apr 15, 09:56 AM
    there is a very fine limit to it. Problem is a VERY VERY small percentage of people are going to take on 99% of the bulling.

    Class of 30 students you will have 1 kid who is targeted. As that moves up to Jr high and high school the ratio gets even worse were you may find a 100 to 1 or higher ratio. That 1% has to take on 99% of the bulling and what makes it worse is that same 1% is not going to be helped or defended by others for fear of them being dragged into it and being the target as well. It is ugly. I was on the receiving side.
    It is one thing for minor picking on things from friends but another for bulling.

    And, for many in that 1%, it's never going to stop until they learn to deal with it -- you can stop bullying in schools, but once you get out in the real world it becomes a much more difficult thing. You can't shield people from hate / fear / dislike or being singled out for being different. You can try to educate, you can try to get people to stop, but at the end of the day there will always be bullies and there will always be people being picked on.

    Developing coping skills is far more important than efforts to end bullying -- you can help yourself, you can't force someone else to be nice.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 21, 03:23 PM
    Just out of curiosity, why do you suppose that is? The *NIX family? Or something else? I'd like to hear your perspective.

    If you don't mind, I would like to explain that.

    I cannot vouch for all the people. I can vouch for most that I have seen.

    I am a part of TI, SerDes which is designed in TI, UK [UK Design]. I have been to TI's headquarters [Dallas, Texas], a number of items, and everytime I go, I have seen people using iPhones and blackberries. TI still gives BB's to all the employees, but most have their personal iPhones. It was really hard to spot a guy using an android phone out of close to a thousand people I could spot on campus.

    We run most of our software on SunOS 2.6 [Solaris]. We do some of our development work on Windows [which is a PAIN in the OS for no native support for PERL, Python, ClearCase, etc].

    The reason I believe that's the case is because:

    1. The most important: people have a life. They don't wish to tinker with the phones; whether its easy or hard, they just have no time. We buy smartphones to work for us and do everything on their own. We don't want to work for our 'smartphone' to make it usable. People just don't have time.

    2. The quality of service Apple provides is hands down. The best customer service for any product that is theirs. It's great.

    3. iPhone is probably the most usable phone at this time. Android is just on the other side. Widgets/Customization that's about it. Low quality apps/ No apps is the case there.

    People want something that just works without much effort. These things are to simplify our lives and not complicate, so that we can concentrate on actual work.

    Some people get this; some don't.

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  • Moyank24
    Mar 25, 11:07 AM
    As marriage is licensed by the state, it is in fact a privilege. The fact that it is near-universally granted doesn't make it any more a right.

    I agree with you here. And that is the problem. It shouldn't be a privilege. Every consenting adult that wants to get married should be allowed to.

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 01:14 PM
    ...isn't true.

    Matthew 5:18-19
    Mark 7:9-13
    Luke 16:17

    Also, I love the use of the term "true Christian". It's perfect:


    Yeah, I was waiting for that one. It's pretty low-rent as far as fallacies go, I'm not sure why it is trotted out as often as it is. It's always used to argue stupid things like Hitler's religious beliefs represent the truest form of Christianity, and if you don't believe so, you're violating this sacred "No true Scotsman" fallacy.

    No TRUE circle is square! Yeah, that one's true. You can't torpedo a well-defined institution by finding an example of someone not living up to its rules.

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  • cybaster
    Mar 18, 10:31 AM
    I don't think it is a bad thing for AT+T to prevent people from tethering to a laptop on an unlimited cell phone plan. Those people are just taking advantage of the system, and wasting bandwidth that the rest of us could use.

    As far as I'm concerned it is the same as going to an all you can eat restaurant and sharing your food between two people, while only paying for one. It isn't a serious crime, but it is stealing, and you know that if you get caught you will have to stop. I'm not going to feel bad for these people that are using 5+GB per month.

    Wait hold on.... Sharing food is illegal?

    They can detect in a lot of way, for instance since you can't use flash on an iphone or iPad, if they see lots of flash stuff they you are probably tethering, also certain popular sites detect mobile devices and send the mobile version of the site if you are loading the full versions of those sites they could detect tethering, these are only a couple of simple things but there are plenty more, so I don't think this is going to be limited to the latest iOS.

    Just my thought on the matter.

    Way too much effort in sniffing the HTTP response just to find "flash" content to incriminate you for violating their terms of use (note i didn't say 'illegal')

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  • �algiris
    May 2, 09:34 AM
    Any software for a Mac that says "MAC" in the title or in any documentation would already be suspect to me. Pretty much every person I have run across that thinks it is spelled in all caps as "MAC" has been a moron.

    And just simply in general anti-virus software is useless on Mac, so why would anyone download and install any anti-virus, defender or scanner is above me.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 26, 03:16 PM
    Confucius say: Foolish is man who questions skunk in ancient tongues.

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  • wordmunger
    Mar 18, 12:11 PM
    So what if Apple stops this -- will this be the pirates' reaction?

    Curses! Foiled again! I had been planning to use ITMS to base my international pirating operation. What oh what will I do? Buying a CD and copying that couldn't possibly work, so I'll have to think of something else. Damn you, Apple!

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  • darkplanets
    Mar 12, 02:14 PM
    While I am not a nuclear engineer, I do have a fair amount of knowledge in the area, so with that in mind I can personally say that this will NOT become another Chernobyl situation. Again though as a disclaimer, this is not my career.

    With that said, the BWR should be fine. What we saw earlier was the steam blowing apart the structure-- this just means that they didn't do their job in relieving the pressure. The core should be intact, and the reports state that the housing is still in place. When the control rods are inserted into the core, the rods will not melt down, however heat WILL still be produced. In this case, steam. Steam voids moderate fewer neutrons, causing the power level inside the reactor to lower. Furthermore, there should be safety overpressure valves... not sure why these didn't work; they may not be there due to the age of the plant.

    To quote wikipedia about BWR safety:
    Because of this effect in BWRs, operating components and safety systems are designed to ensure that no credible scenario can cause a pressure and power increase that exceeds the systems' capability to quickly shutdown the reactor before damage to the fuel or to components containing the reactor coolant can occur. In the limiting case of an ATWS (Anticipated Transient Without Scram) derangement, high neutron power levels (~ 200%) can occur for less than a second, after which actuation of SRVs will cause the pressure to rapidly drop off. Neutronic power will fall to far below nominal power (the range of 30% with the cessation of circulation, and thus, void clearance) even before ARI or SLCS actuation occurs. Thermal power will be barely affected.

    In the event of a contingency that disables all of the safety systems, each reactor is surrounded by a containment building consisting of 1.2–2.4 m (4–8 ft) of steel-reinforced, pre-stressed concrete designed to seal off the reactor from the environment.

    Again; BWR =/= graphite moderated reactor. Why does no one get this?! Everyone will be fine.

    Two more bones of contention (which will give you my perspective):

    -I personally believe the linear no threshold model is crap, even with the adjustment factor

    -I also personally advocate the use of thorium... there's many benefits, melt-down control being one of them (because of MSR)... also although there's still fabrication issues, thorium can be used in existing LWRs. There is also proposed designs where the thorium has to actively be fed into the core, providing a great shutoff mechanism. The only con to this is the fact that thorium is more radioactive than uranium, so it's potentially more dangerous. I think the pros outweigh the cons.

    Do you have a link for this? I'd like to read about it. I would think a system setup to automatically scram when power is lost would be the ideal.

    Sure! It's really rather cool. (No pun intended)

    For starters here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_Water_Reactor_Safety_Systems) is the current safety systems that are supposed to be in all BWR, however since this one is from the 80's, it's really hit or miss-- I can't answer that.

    New reactor designs have these systems in place-- for example the Westinghouse AP 1000's. (here (http://www.ap1000.westinghousenuclear.com/ap1000_safety_psrs.html))

    A general link about passive safety here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passive_nuclear_safety).

    Basically though, the idea is that human intervention, mechanical or otherwise, is always the weak point in nuclear safety. Instead of relying upon mechanical or man-controlled means, these safety measures employ the laws of physics and thermodynamics, which I hope are always working :D. Many of these systems rely on heat sensitive plugs connected to tanks to flood the chamber or coolant systems via gravity.

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 02:59 PM
    The point is that Greenpeace opposes ALL R&D into GM foods, just as G.W. opposes ALL R&D into stem cell research, including research to use stem cells w/o harming the fetus.
    First, R&D should never be banned. However, we should not implement everything we find out in our labs. It is a huge difference in getting to know how we can alter the genetical code and actually do it in a grand scale. THAT if anything will be our end.
    Stem cells is an entirely different story. That is a political/religious question about when life begins and also OT.

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  • ReanimationLP
    Aug 29, 11:41 AM
    Who the hell listens to GreenPeace anymore.


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  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 10:40 PM
    All video is native, it sounds like. It ingests, and as it ingests it makes a working copy that you edit with. On output it works with the original. I think they have eliminated (effectively) the distinction between "edit format" and "capture format".

    It sounds like some of the features of motion are built in.

    Live Type and other parts of the suite seem to be built in, from what I can gather.

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  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 12:19 AM
    That's a complete joke, surely? There's no way you can compare console gaming, in basically a home arcade, to swiping your fingers around on a 3.5" screen. No way. I am a gamer, and always will be.

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  • hunkaburningluv
    Apr 9, 06:04 AM
    Apple will buy Nintendo eventually.

    It's over for Nintendo.

    Get ready for the iwii

    I doubt it - ninty are make some serious money on every console/handheld unit sold, they are set for the foreseeable future. IMO, while the iOS is great for short bursts of gaming, it will never replace a dedicated gaming machine

    Doesn't matter. Apple took in two head gaming executives. Whether they called them up or were called up, they now have major gaming players in their family. It's a pretty clear sign that they will be getting into gaming in some way.

    when they get Miyamoto or Iwata, then I'll be interested

    These people are fleeing the "yellow light of death” on PS3 or "red ring of death' on 360. The consoles are so poorly made that broken PS3's seldomly fetch $50 on eBay.

    Apple has a real opportunity to make a name in gaming as gamers know quality and appreciate being taken seriously.

    that's well, ********, to be honest, RROD has pretty much been eliminated and YLOD wasn't particularly widespread....

    Oct 20, 12:59 PM
    Now to pre-arrange for the 8-core Mac Pro's arrival next month. :)

    I'm now working with

    Two 20" - 1600 x 1200 Dells
    One 24" - 1920 x 1200 Dell
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    Two 15" - 1024 x 768 Original 15" Analog Bondai Blue Apple Studio Displays

    2 PowerMac G5's Quad, 2GHz Dual Core + 1 Old 1.25GHz PowerBook G4
    2 G4 Cubes

    for a total of 9 cores totaling 16.2GHz. :p

    Original retail cost of all of the above about $13,000

    New 8-Core Mac Pro @ 2.66GHz each totaling 21.28GHz for about $4,000

    Apr 9, 02:47 AM
    You summed it up beautifully. You're not a gamer. You're what is called a time passer, which are what 99 percent of IOS games are, mind numbing time killers.

    So what exactly is the difference between a "gamer" and a "time passer"?

    Aug 29, 12:44 PM
    Oh yeah? Please kindly explain to all of us just what the "real agenda" of these "evil groups" such as Greenpeace is...

    With all due respect, are you asleep?

    I just gave examples in my post. Groups like this want to stop business and the growth of the American economy. That's their agenda. Why isn't greenpeace over in China or Indian demanding cleaner emissions from their cars/power plants/industry? Ever been to Shanghai? Good luck seeing over 100 feet from the smog. That's on a good day. Those two countries are killing the environment, but it's all Apple's fault according to GP. Give me a break.

    Apr 9, 07:16 PM
    You raise an interesting point, but would holding an iPad with a gamepad around it really be that comfortable?

    I can think of two reasons why it wouldn't be:

    Device weight and the distance at which you'd have to hold it for it to be usable. iPad is 601g - holding that at arm's length or thereabouts while trying to concentrate on a game could be quite difficult, especially for younger users. It's almost three times the weight of a Nintendo DSi.

    Also buttons let your brain maneuver through the game by feeling and location on the controller. The iPad is a flat surface. You would have look where you are pressing.

    Aug 29, 12:28 PM
    I have to say, I am APPALLED by the irresponsible attitude of some people on this forum (and probably the world). Businesses, corporations, governments, AND individuals should all be behaving in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This is in no way "anti-progress". When did you all gain the right to be so selfish, self-centred, and bigoted in your beliefs?

    Hear, hear! What's up with all of you Apple Boosters? I think my Macs are great, and OS X is clearly the best OS on the planet today, but this report is very disappointing.

    Rather than turning a blind eye to the irresponsible policies at Apple, and saying the Greenpeace is just anti-technology (they're big supporters of many innovative energy technologies, BTW), why not do what you can, as an Apple customer, to change the way Apple does business.

    I've submitted feedback to Apple in the past about their wasteful packaging, and have been pleasantly surprised not only by their considerate replies, but the fact that they've changed their packaging to be less wasteful. Apple listens to their customers. If they know we care about the environment, they'll change their practices to be more sustainable.

    I would like to have seen Apple respond to this as a challenge, by saying that they appreciate the constructive criticism and look forward to implementing changes in their practises and achieving top marks in the next Greenpeace analysis. If enough Apple customers make it clear that this should be a priority, it will become one.


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