jimmy esebag 51

jimmy esebag 51. Reorder; Duration: 0:51
  • Reorder; Duration: 0:51

  • gnasher729
    Sep 11, 07:42 AM
    No, not at all.

    An affinity mask sets the set of CPUs that can be scheduled. A job won't be run on another CPU, even if the assigned CPUs are at 100% and other idle CPUs are available.

    And that, by the way, is why setting affinity is usually a bad idea. Let the system dynamically schedule across all available resources -- or you might have some CPUs very busy, and others idle.

    Win2k3 also has "soft" affinity masks, which define a preferred set of CPUs. If all of the preferred CPUs are busy, and other CPUs are idle, then soft affinity allows the system to run the jobs on the idle CPUs - even though the idle CPUs aren't in the preferred affinity mask.

    Another aspect of quad core systems like MacPro or future Kentfields: On these systems, two cores share one 4 MB cache. If an application runs on two threads, it can run on two cores on the same chip, or on two cores on different chips. Threads that run on the same chip can exchange data very quickly, because anything that is in one threads L2 cache is automatically in the other threads L2 cache, but both threads together have only 4 MB cache. Threads running on different chips cannot exchange data quickly; data that is exchanged needs to be transferred through main memory. However, _each_ chip has 4 MB cache, or 8 MB total.

    In other words, some applications will run faster if using threads on the same chip, some will run faster if using threads on separate chip. It is quite hard for the OS to guess, but the application developer should have some idea.

    jimmy esebag 51. We love hair by Schwarzkopf,
  • We love hair by Schwarzkopf,

  • D4F
    Apr 19, 10:54 AM
    You must be a barrel of laughs on a shopping trip:

    Salesperson: May I help you?
    LagunaSol: Yes, I'd like to buy that big white iPhone 3GS over there.

    Salesperson: (confused) Uh, you mean the Galaxy Tab?
    LagunaSol: No, no, the 3GS. It's right there.

    Salesperson: Sir, they're only vaguely the same shape.
    LagunaSol: I don't care, it's a big 3GS, I can tell !

    Salesperson: Yeah... okay.

    Believe it or not but judging by some replies in this thread there are people THAT stupid and quite a few of them out there.
    It's not even funny anymore. The age of retards is where we are.

    jimmy esebag 51. the pair met after Esebag,
  • the pair met after Esebag,

  • Sabenth
    Aug 23, 05:35 PM
    Cameront9 thats what iam thinking whats this zen gona use that an ipod in its current format dosnt use except wifi and xbox live stuff

    jimmy esebag 51. simone james.
  • simone james.

  • JAJ
    Mar 23, 07:22 PM
    Wow you are in such denial that I feel sorry for you.

    ...America is the fattest nation in the world(and quite possibly the stupidest). We have to adapt or we'll fall behind, we haven't yet because unless others have noticed we still are among the strongest economies in the world. Before the tsunami Japan was harder hit then we were, China infused $4 trillion into their economy when we did the stimulus package...just so you know of the $700 billion in allocated funds only about $300 billion was tapped and with the interest that corporations paid back we may have made money(it hasn't been calculated it was +-$20 billion). Spain is in financial crisis, Greece defaulted, Ireland has almost defaulted(probably because their 2% corporate tax rate, which arguably creates a massive amount of jobs)...the US debt is $14 trillion and our annual GDP was in 2010 $14.2 trillion(according to the World Fact Book) ...our debt to GDP ratio is one of the lowest in the world, with a larger country and economy comes more problems. To say that we have 11% unemployment and most of those people are now covered by government pay outs(they made it 36 months from 24, that one I'm not sure on) ...we're still not in any real trouble.

    I'm not in denial, as much as I am well-informed.

    And to return to the issue of the Apple pulling it....the First Amendment has been shown in court cases to not protect illegal or harmfully illicit speech such as shouting "fire" in a crowded theater...this is essentially the same thing. And for those shouting about the Fourth Amendment(I think it was only one person) illegal search and seizure does not apply(via <i>Katz</i> and other cases) in situations where illegal activities are occurring, driving while intoxicating being illegal.

    I hope that they trace the IP's and find that somebody somehow crossed state lines and then transmitted the data, therefore violating Federal law(as opposed to state) and allowing the Justice Department to get involved.

    jimmy esebag 51. por Yzidudyriq en 12:51
  • por Yzidudyriq en 12:51

  • rtdunham
    Sep 10, 07:04 PM
    Sorry, but that mockup is just stupid. Whoever made it obviously has no concept of Apple's product line. CONSUMER = WHITE OR BLACK. PRO = ALUMINUM. NEITHER = MIX OF IMAC WHITE + ALUMINUM. Every single frickin' product follows these guidelines. Get a clue.

    You're doing what Marshall McLuhan described: looking in a rearview mirror to anticipate the future. You might even be being a little arrogant about it. Y'think? I mean, what about those aluminum iPod minis? that same format's suggested for new nanos. Apple's smart to delineate its lines, and you're smart to note that. But neither Apple nor you would be smart to think that delineation has to be sustained...what, forever? Like wide and narrow ties (hair styles, skirt lengths) moving in and out of fashion, Apple, IMHO, will establish distinctions and evolve them over time. It won't always happen: we'll never see a black Apple laptop again, like the early models, but... Oh, wait!!!

    bellbottoms forever
    peace out

    jimmy esebag 51. por Yzidudyriq en 21:51
  • por Yzidudyriq en 21:51

  • bjdku
    Sep 13, 08:57 PM
    This is stated so matter of fact. There is no ? in the title. How certain is arn? He always uses ?

    jimmy esebag 51. engaged to agent Jim Toth.
  • engaged to agent Jim Toth.

  • markw10
    Sep 14, 11:33 AM
    I would imagine with all the competition coming out with Core 2 Laptops Apple is going to have to move soon and it would be in the MBP, not Macbook. yet if there's limited supplies it's not much they can do but I'm kind of shocked they put it in the imac first. Does anyone know of a breakdown in sales of how they sell (the different product lines). Maybe the imac is the largest seller.

    jimmy esebag 51. Sam Riley and James Anthony
  • Sam Riley and James Anthony

  • psxtreme
    Apr 14, 01:06 PM
    Thunderbolt will never replace USB because they serve different functions. You will never see low-bandwidth devices such as keyboard/mice/USB stick using thunderbolt because it doesn't make sense.

    The real question that I haven't seen anyone ask, is will this be Intel only or will other chipsets/manufacturers support it as well.

    Also I don't know if anyone mentioned it but one of the reasons Firewire never took off was because of royalty fees that need to be paid for implementing it. Thunderbolt has no royalties on it and this should help drive adoption.

    From the looks of it Thunderbolt will be able to replace eSata, Firewire, and maybe Expresscards.

    jimmy esebag 51. Pierce Brosnan as James Bond
  • Pierce Brosnan as James Bond

  • zweigand
    Nov 9, 04:17 PM
    The store is noisy, so it is hard to say. To me neither was making a sound.

    My 24" is dead quiet. I haven't heard the fans spin up once. That's including multi-hour gaming sessions and Video encoding.

    jimmy esebag 51. Me james-ond photo, pierce
  • Me james-ond photo, pierce

  • Zadillo
    Aug 31, 03:26 PM
    Back to the issue of PDA hardware options, does anyone have a clue whether it makes ANY sense to invest in Palm OS based PDA devices (like the Palm TX)? Is the Palm OS going to disappear? I'm holding out on a new PDA for fear that something directly from Apple will hit the market soon. I hate the thought of buying a Pocket PC device, and I would LOVE it if the next gen. video iPod had a boatload of PDA type features- which only makes sense given the rumored larger screen size.

    The Palm OS as we currently know it (the one you will find on Palm OS-powered Treos, the Palm TX, etc.) is basically dead. PalmSource is doing no further development to it, and PalmSource was acquired by Access, which is creating the Access Linux Platform as a successor to the Palm OS (it will include Palm emulation to run Palm apps, etc.).

    It's not to say that it's compeltely worthless to have a Palm-based system. Plenty of people still do have Palm OS Treos and other Palm OS PDA's, and there's still plenty of people using it and developing software for it. I personally have a Treo 650 and it's still working great for me.

    Hopefully Palm will license the Access Linux Platform and use that so that the "Palm OS" stays alive, but so far Palm hasn't committed to it. It's entirely possible that Palm could end up just making Windows Mobile devices.

    If you want a platform that definitely has support behind it, you're basically stuck with a PocketPC. There's also Symbian and some other stuff, but PocketPC is definitely sort of repeating the "success" of Windows in the PDA world.


    jimmy esebag 51. rufus wainwright cohens
  • rufus wainwright cohens

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 11:47 AM
    I doubt they leave large amounts of cash in the stores over night.

    I agree. Most sales in Apple stores are likely done without cash anyway.

    jimmy esebag 51. Aug 23, 05:51 PM
  • Aug 23, 05:51 PM

  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 14, 10:58 AM
    Please! Let the Merom be overclockable in the next MBP or at least make it a CPU-swappable socket! If not, I may consider just getting a new Mac Pro that will be. Would hate to spend $3k on a new 17" with a stagnant (yet potent) CPU when every other Mac system out there will be overclockable or swappable. Any thoughts?


    Um. Most laptops are not overclockable or swappable. So you are asking a bit much there.

    Also, Professionals don't overclock, children do. Buy accordingly.

    jimmy esebag 51. In Uncategorized on March 12, 2011 at 1:51 pm
  • In Uncategorized on March 12, 2011 at 1:51 pm

  • iMeowbot
    Sep 15, 11:10 PM
    [Gates interview]

    Indicating the iPhone or the rumored mobile phone capabilities in Zune?
    That's not speculation, a Zune phone is part of their stated plans (http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/articlenews.aspx?type=internetNews&storyID=2006-09-14T213034Z_01_N14304886_RTRIDST_0_OUKIN-UK-MICROSOFT-ZUNE-PHONE.XML).

    jimmy esebag 51. Aug 29, 06:51 AM
  • Aug 29, 06:51 AM

  • BenRoethig
    Aug 28, 12:25 PM
    I predict Apple will update from Core 1 to Core 2 within eight days. The only changes beside the CPU is perhaps a doubling of video memory on the iMac and MBPs.

    jimmy esebag 51. In Celebrities, facebook, myspace, press, twitter, Uncategorized on February 4, 2011 at 11:51 am. Model Heidi Klum and her husband Seal are spotted on a
  • In Celebrities, facebook, myspace, press, twitter, Uncategorized on February 4, 2011 at 11:51 am. Model Heidi Klum and her husband Seal are spotted on a

  • Elrond39
    Sep 26, 07:06 AM
    Did you even read the link?

    Speculation is that O2 will have the exclusive rights to the iPhone in Europe. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think O2 is somehow connected to Orange. So it looks like the iPhone will have a carrier in Europe and the UK.

    Well, that settles it... I'm waiting however long it takes for this to come GSM carrier-unlocked. I refuse to give up my current provider (because I'm getting massive minutes at a nice low cost), and I'm never going to buy a phone that's locked to one carrier, because you end up paying crazy amounts per month. Sucks. Well, guess this here T610 of mine will have to last even longer still.

    jimmy esebag 51. In Celebrities, facebook, myspace, press, twitter, Uncategorized on February 4, 2011 at 11:51 am. Model Heidi Klum and her husband Seal are spotted on a
  • In Celebrities, facebook, myspace, press, twitter, Uncategorized on February 4, 2011 at 11:51 am. Model Heidi Klum and her husband Seal are spotted on a

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 28, 01:24 PM
    Apple dont needhelp shifting notebooks but if they announce a new ipod you would bet that not many people would want the original ipod video over a new improved one!?

    This is my hope...
    The merom MBP's are available before the free Nano promotion ends. I buy a MBP and get the free Nano.
    New widescreen iPod video's are released sometime after (October?) to coincide with Apple's annoucement of movie downloads on iTunes.
    Then, I sell both my Nano and my old iPod video, and buy the brand new iPod video. :D

    jimmy esebag 51. Sep 12, 03:51 PM
  • Sep 12, 03:51 PM

  • Al Coholic
    Apr 25, 06:55 PM
    Well crap.

    I suppose this new design will be shaped like an onion dicer a.k.a. "Air" style. I hate the "wedgie" look. If so, looks like the OD will go as well.

    Double crap.

    But I don't like change in general. (They changed the label on my bourbon bottle 10 years ago and it hasn't tasted the same since :()

    jimmy esebag 51. In Uncategorized on March 12, 2011 at 1:51 pm
  • In Uncategorized on March 12, 2011 at 1:51 pm

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 10, 12:38 PM
    Gotcha! That would get old quick, at least the old apps would work. It is kind of cool now that a G3 can still run Tiger. Oh well, can't have everything! :)
    I doubt that 10.6 will run on G4. CS4 will probably run very sluggish on a Quad G5.

    jimmy esebag 51. Продолжительность: 6:12:51
  • Продолжительность: 6:12:51

  • toddybody
    Apr 22, 11:18 AM
    Woot Woot! Its a little sad though, about the SB IGP :(

    Sep 19, 06:51 PM
    I was disappointed that only Disney signed up so I bought a ton of movies in the last week. Hopefully that got the attention of the other studios and sign up too. I really like the idea of downloading musics and I think HD movies will be a killer next year. Hopefully hard drives will continue to go down in price.

    Most of the movies I purchased I didn't plan to purchase in DVD format. I looked at the trailer and liked it so I bought it. It is the convenience that sold me. This is revenue the studio would never receive before now.

    Mar 23, 08:26 AM
    All I want is a quad core Mac mini. ;)

    Mar 29, 11:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Well duh. iOS only runs on Apple devices. Android, Windows Mobile, etc. runs on multiple devices -- of course their shares are going to be higher.

    If Apple were licensing iOS, this would be a different story. So instead of comparing marketshare of phone operating systems, let's compare share of the phones themselves.

    Apr 19, 05:19 PM
    What do Apple want out of this? more money?

    Apr 25, 01:39 PM
    Could just be me, but I think the design is perfect. Apple is still way ahead of the competition with the unibody design. How much better can it get?

    I think the design is perfect too - although Apple always seems to take a seemingly perfect design and add to it. I'm excited at the thought of a new design, mainly because I can't imagine what they could possibly improve.

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