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  • intlplby
    Nov 28, 10:53 PM
    i'd love to see this work as a defense in court, but it'd never happen

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  • Vanessa Hudgens Making Out

  • easy4lif
    Nov 28, 07:22 PM
    steve jobs replied earlier this year to such nonsense

    "the music companies are trying to be greedy"

    I approve this messsage

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  • deej999
    Apr 6, 02:32 AM
    Mercury actually doesn't need CUDA but having a 1gig graphics card (not gonna happen on a portable laptop) will enable CUDA and supposed turbo charged results and rendering

    The new MBPs have the option of a 1GB Graphics card. Am using one now!

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  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 31, 05:05 PM
    Well, I guess the Open Source concept backfired at Google and everyone else doing Android. Open Source is a great concept, but when handled the wrong way, it does lead to fragmentation.

    The problem is that all the happiness about Android being an open system will now turn into disappointment to many hobbyists and tweakers, and also to developers.

    The fact that Apple keeps iOS closed is for a good reason, but at least it created a system to be able to advertise and sell apps. The quality control may not be perfect, but at least so far we haven't heard of an iOS viral app. iOS devices are very tight, protecting their own integrity.

    Well, let's see what happens. We need Android to keep poking on Apple's creativity to make better products.
    I'm not against Android; I may get an Android phone when I see one worth my money.

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  • Vanessa Hudgens amp; Alexa

  • nefan65
    Apr 6, 02:54 PM
    It's nice for Apple to have high iPad2 sales, and I think that's great. It's too bad the Xoom isn't selling more, although 100k isn't too terrible right out of the gate.

    I've seen and hefted a Xoom, and you know what? It's a pretty decent piece of gear. Good job Moto! From a hardware perspective I liked it every bit as much as the iPad2. In my opinion, its only downfall is Android. For me, Android is not intuitive at all. I can deal with that when it comes to traditional computers, but I don't have time to waste with that sort of nonsense on an appliance - I want it to just work, and that's what Apple provides.

    Actually, 100,000 is pretty bad. I think it was released sometime in late Feb. the iPad 2 sold 300,000 in the first weekend.

    Regardless, I think competition is good. If the XOOM had a WiFi only @ $400, it's make a huge dent. Plus, I've read that Honeycomb is less than polished, so I think that, along with a high price tag has some people turned off...

    That's just my opinion though..and we all know what opinion's are

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 27, 08:49 AM
    Oh well. It's not as if I get out much anyway...

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 14, 11:06 PM
    get perpendicular (

    Whoever came up with that abomination should be SHOT! UGH! they could have put together a nice little slideshow or whatever...but no, they had to make some stupid video with a horrible song i'll NEVER be able to get out of my head!

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  • mex4eric
    Apr 6, 10:06 PM
    Now just add that Thunderbolt port to the MBAs and I'll be first in line! :D

    Obviously it will have the Thunderbolt port - it already has mini-Displayport.

    Perfect, Sandy Bridge, Thunderbolt and June release!

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  • PHOTOS: Vanessa Hudgens Poses

  • Number 41
    Apr 11, 01:48 PM
    My 3GS (bought launch day '09) is starting to show it's age -- I'm seeing more "Searching..." and "No Service" when using 3G, and it's been forcing me to dump back to Edge on a more regular basis. Additionally, the battery is really not where it was when I first bought the phone.

    I'm eligible to upgrade, but I don't want to lose all my app investment by going over to Android (plus, I'm just not a Google fan -- seems like they're trying to control everything on the internet these days) and I'm certainly not going to buy a phone made of glass that's almost a year old.

    Apple needs to hurry up and make the 5 happen.

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  • Alexa Nikolas with Vanessa

  • odedia
    Aug 27, 03:19 AM
    I dont see much change really, the 1.66GHz merom chip will find its way into the mini (they'll scrap the solo model).

    The 1.83 & 2.00GHz for iMacs (if they use merom) and MacBooks and the 2.16 and 2.33 for the 15 & 17 MBPs respectively. Its that simple.

    the iMac will get a conroe. Nothing can be as dumb as putting a laptop chip in the desktop iMac. If the iMac could hold a G5 in it, it sure can hold a Conroe chip.

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  • blizzardnorth
    Jun 15, 04:27 PM
    So I called my local radio shack multiple times pertaining the iphone 4 launch and preorder/ customer request and about trading in my iphone.

    I stopped in the store today exactly at 12PM and asked if I could sign up for the iphone preorder. The man there corrected me and said it was a "customer request/reservation" that was taking place. He said he was having internet troubles and couldn't access the website right now, but would take down my information and put me into the system once it was up. I gave him my information and then we talked a little bit about trading in my current black 32 gb 3gs.

    <- Shoot, OSX10.6.4 wants me to reboot... and I'm itching to see if it's any faster.

    Wow, got a whole round of modern warfare 2 hardcore team deathmatch in while 10.6.4 installed.

    Ok, then I read online that Radio Shack stopped the program within like 2 hours so that had me wondering if my local store was able to enter my information into the system in time.

    I called again and was assured that my information did go in correctly... But he made no mention of a PIN.
    I'm thinking about calling back and asking if there will be any confirmation emails/calls.

    My local Radio Shack says that they are getting stock on the 24th and that they will call me and arrange a meeting where I will receive my iphone.

    vanessa hudgens alexa nikolas pictures. VANESSA HUDGENS ALEXA NIKOLAS

  • padr�
    Sep 19, 10:18 AM
    so... after reading here for a while i got a question, its kinda stupid, i'm good at that,
    first off, i was doubting between the 24" and the macpro so i disided that for my needs i should realy go with a macpro, but know that i'm hearing things about this 8 core macpro, i'm realy doubting about ordering my quad macpro this month,

    has anybody got an idea of how long it would be before apple launches " a macpro octo " :confused:

    thx for your time :)

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  • talkingfuture
    Apr 6, 10:09 AM
    Sounds good, might be a bit nearer to buying one by then too!

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  • ergle2
    Sep 14, 05:29 PM
    I got this great response this morning from my IT snob:
    "Where in that linked article does it say 64bit? I see 65 nm, but not 64 bit. Duct taping two 32 bit cores together may get you Mac 64 bit processing... great for drawing cool pictures."

    Anyone have a link that shows that Clovertown is 64 bit? Please help me to defeat this PC IT ogre

    Straight from the horse's mouth at Intel ( (Clovertown supports EM64T), and again at Intel ( (5100 series supports EM64T), and once more from Intel ( (Xeon is 64bit, mentions Woodcrest).

    Took me about 10 seconds. Your "friend" is either a troll or supremely ignorant -- especially when you bear in mind this is the same hardware that Windows runs on. Apple pretty much supplies a nice case and the OS at this point.

    Edit: too slow... I was busy with RL in the background... ah, well... :)

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 31, 12:31 PM
    What I'd like to know is the upgrade options in a new tower. We're running on EFI instead of Open Firmware now.

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  • Vanessa Hudgens calls bare

  • Lollypop
    Jul 20, 08:41 AM
    It's the future, you know, soon the clock speed will be irrelevant and we'll be expressing processor speed in number of cores octocore, hexacore, tricontradicore, hexacontetracore, hecticosoctocore, and such and such

    At some point your going to have deminished returns. Sure multimedia apps can take advantage of a few more cores, but I dont see Mail running faster on 4 cores, nevermind 2! The nice thing about intel is that they seem to realise that, and have invested in improved IO as well, look at Pci express and SATA, you can have the fastest processor in the world, but if your running it with 512megs of memory your going to slow down fast!

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  • CaoCao
    Mar 3, 11:03 PM
    If that's what you want to believe, fine. Respect my belief that it's perfectly fine, and stop making laws against me.
    no one is preventing you from living with the person you love or having sex with him
    Surely. Why do you believe you have any right or authority to dictate what two consulting adults should do or not?

    And, if you do believe you (or a religious book) have that authority, then may I make the following statement to be equally as valid as yours:

    Bill McEnaney should only engage in homosexual, sexually active relationships, and should never be engaged in heterosexual relationships, much less any that are anything but platonic.

    Do you believe in the validity of my statement. Why or why not?

    I look forward to your response.

    Invalid because it endorses something that could cause the collapse of society

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  • brianus
    Sep 13, 10:05 AM
    probably due to latency involved in distributing the load across the two processors. that's the same problem a single Clovertown would have. Only true quads wouldn't suffer from these problems (earliest seems to be Harpertown in don't know if there are any non-MCM Xeons scheduled before then)

    What about Tigerton (2007)? Isn't that a "true" quad?

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  • iGary
    Aug 25, 03:05 PM
    Apple needs to address this situation appropriately. As their products gain higher profile, as their customer base increases and they gain market share, it's only logical to think that there will be a greater need for support.

    You're missing a comma. :p :D

    Jul 20, 05:50 PM
    What? Apple*differentiates the XServes by having them 1U thick and rackmountable. One buys a rackmount server not because it's faster but because it's smaller and fits in a rack.
    and ECC memory
    and dual GigE network ports
    and serial-port management capability
    and Mac OS X server preloaded
    and no bundled video hardware

    The processor and hard drive can be identical to a G5 or Mac Pro, and neither will cut into the other's business. An Xserve makes for a lousy desktop, and a G5 tower is overpriced and not as good when used as a cluster node.

    Mar 31, 07:13 PM
    If you're going to licence your project as open source, then you do actually have to release the source. I know there's often a delay with commercial products. I suppose the tolerance of the open source community depends on the reason and the amount of time the code is held back.
    Well, the rules for GPL say you need to release the source code along with the software and you actually have to offer them through the same channel, so that you cannot make it practically impossible for people to get to the source even if it is theoretically available. Of course, GPL is not the only "open source" license. This is Google's playground, so they get to define it any way they wish.

    Sep 19, 11:30 AM
    I don't think you've got anything to worry about there...

    Me worry? :D

    Apr 12, 12:42 PM
    I really don't know what to do now.

    I have a 3GS, decided to skip the iPhone 4 (was eligible for upgrade), and my contract is up in June or July. I don't want to buy an iPhone 4 knowing an iPhone 5 is around the corner. However, if the iPhone 5 has LTE I do not want it and I guess I'll have no choice but to buy an iPhone 4 then. If I am forced to buy the iPhone 4 I might as well buy an iPhone 4 today instead of waiting until the fall.

    Apple Corps
    Aug 27, 09:21 AM
    Simple. Apples' current sale for students on getting a MAJOR discount on iPods when you buy a new mac, ends on Friday the 15th. Thus, the following monday, will come the new updates. They wouldn't release before, because they would be cutting their profits even more than they are now.

    Are you sure that discount applies to the NEW Merom based Macs - I don't think so?

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