wallpaper heart broken

wallpaper heart broken. Broken Heart
  • Broken Heart

  • iScott428
    Mar 28, 10:39 AM
    I can not wait any longer, I need a new Iphone this summer! Please Apple do not make me wait any longer, my white 3gs is beginning to turn gray and the back is destroyed by my standards. Please bring back the metal backing, the mock up that looks like a mini ipad 3g would be outstanding!

    wallpaper heart broken. wallpaper heart broken.
  • wallpaper heart broken.

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Mar 26, 11:00 PM
    :mad: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MLry6Cn_D4)

    (Click the angry face for my thoughts on the release being in Fall.)



    I hope this rumor is false

    wallpaper heart broken. heartbroken poems and quotes
  • heartbroken poems and quotes

  • SMM
    Nov 27, 10:29 PM

    You don't like it - don't buy one. Accept that there are others who would benefit tremendously from such a product, even if it is a small market segment.

    While your needs are not the same as mine, we both seem to find this an important technology to work with. I do believe there is a BIG market out there, no one has really been able to capture it. Maybe it is just a timing thing?

    wallpaper heart broken. roken heart
  • roken heart

  • Macs4u
    Apr 20, 02:50 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I think Apple needs to concentrate more on improving iOS rather than adding a faster processor. Tbh I'm pretty fed up of my iPhone 4 as the is just looks boringly simple. Not everybody wants the same old os on every device. I think it's the omnia 7 next for me so I can have a change.

    wallpaper heart broken. Broken Heart Wallpaper
  • Broken Heart Wallpaper

  • Chundles
    Sep 11, 06:52 AM
    To recap:

    No MBP, no MB....

    iPod video device, maybe movie service and maybe streaming device.

    That's it. :)

    Yep, I've said it before and I'll say it again.

    The first rule of an Apple Event: You never get all the marbles.

    wallpaper heart broken. Broken heart wallpaper
  • Broken heart wallpaper

  • treysmay
    Aug 7, 03:50 PM
    friggin canada store isn't up yet. I want to know the canadian damn prices!!

    wallpaper heart broken. mystery 13 heart broken
  • mystery 13 heart broken

  • deadkennedy
    Apr 26, 04:34 PM
    I remember the days when fanbois claimed this day will never happen.

    Anyway, it will be a tough battle, I'm still not convinced Android is any better than iOS. I think Apple will fall to around 20% for both smartphone and PC market, but will maintain 50% at tablet. This is still a HUGE number for both segments.

    wallpaper heart broken. A Broken Heart Wallpaper
  • A Broken Heart Wallpaper

  • Thunderhawks
    May 6, 06:25 AM
    [QUOTE=Cougarcat;12523836]Yes, Windows 8 will have ARM support (http://windows8news.com/2011/01/05/windows-8-arm-press-release-microsoft/).

    Whose idea was windoof8?

    wallpaper heart broken. 73%. Glowing
  • 73%. Glowing

  • emotion
    Aug 2, 11:02 AM
    I like this guy. He's being reasonable. However, I'd bet that Apple does NOT update any other Macs to Core 2. Yet. Save that for Expo Paris.

    Don't forget that apple dont just compete with themselves but other PC manufacturers now, and that release schedule would put them way behind. I expect speedbump/updated MBP and iMac at least. Probably on a random Tuesday soon.

    wallpaper heart broken. Featured Poem: A Broken Heart
  • Featured Poem: A Broken Heart

  • nagromme
    Aug 7, 04:01 PM
    Here's other point of view: I want to use OSX in everyday use (Safari, Mail, iTunes, graphic design, Dreamweaver etc... and OSX overall). But sometimes I want to play games too, and it's awesome that nowadays it's possible to boot into Windows and play games there and then boot back into OSX. Are you saying that Apple should totally forget all users who would like to use OSX but occasionally play games on Windows, and let them buy PCs? Most of the gamers do not use their computer ONLY to play games. Consumer tower would be good for Apple to get new switchers and get more marketshare.
    I agree 100%. And I'll go one further: not only do I want to have ONE machine for work and play--a Mac--but I don't want to have to reboot, NOR buy a license for Windows :)

    I've been buying Mac games and will continue to--and games are a big motivator for me to buy new Macs.

    I don't think Apple will ignore the sub-Mac-Pro headless market forever. I think something is coming to fill the gap. I just don't know when :)

    wallpaper heart broken. Abstract Broken Heart iPhone
  • Abstract Broken Heart iPhone

  • McGiord
    May 6, 02:28 PM
    Seriously it takes maybe a couple months to adjust to new systems of measure, it's really not that big of a deal and it certainly doesn't require any massive brain power to use metric vs. Imperial. The only preference I still have for imperial is food based. Can i have 500 grams of sliced ham? It just sounds wrong.

    Also they teach both systems in grade school etc at least when I was in school.

    Actually it is quite easy to order half a kilo of cheese, the question is if you wanted it grated, sliced or by the chunk, they've are pretty good at it.

    wallpaper heart broken. roken heart wallpaper,
  • roken heart wallpaper,

  • infobhan
    Jul 30, 03:36 PM
    If nothing else, Apple getting into the phone business will give Microsoft some competition. These Windows "smartphone" OS based phones are popping up everywhere.

    wallpaper heart broken. heart broken love pink graphic
  • heart broken love pink graphic

  • pancakedrawer
    May 4, 08:52 PM
    I'm outraged.

    OK, not really, just wary of not having an OS disk in case of problems. It'd have to be followed by the merest physical back-up device in the mail, just in case. The current packaging of OSX is ridiculous; it might be good for the noobs, but I throw away everything but the disk the moment the box opens. I'd rather get a tiny USB key in a plain, brown rapper.

    Intended? Probably not. Funny? Hilarious.

    wallpaper heart broken. Broken Heart - Abstract
  • Broken Heart - Abstract

  • Reach9
    Mar 28, 12:19 PM
    The iPhone 4 got massive external and internal changes while the 3Gs just got internal changes. iPhone 4 is a bigger refresh than the 3Gs. I never said the 3Gs was not a real refresh I said it was not as big as the iPhone 4.


    Anyway, i think Apple is just shooting themselves in the leg if they plan to release the iPhone 5 later. I'm gonna give it a day or two for reports from other sources.
    Everything so far has pointed to a Summer release, so it makes no sense for it to just change all of a sudden.

    wallpaper heart broken. Emo roken heart - Wallpaper 4
  • Emo roken heart - Wallpaper 4

  • BeefUK
    Aug 11, 09:05 AM
    Why would they give the Macbook that but leave the iMac with the original Core Duo? Doesn't make sense. I would think all three would get it or just the Macbook Pro.

    This is probably because merom is aimed at mainly at laptops, however there's no reason by they shouldn't put it in an iMac.

    I'm not one to believe all the rumours, however I really hope this one is true. Although i'm not holding my breath.

    wallpaper heart broken. Kidrobot- Broken Heart
  • Kidrobot- Broken Heart

  • B.Boston
    Apr 26, 03:43 PM
    That's awesome... Android OS is run on exponentially more devices than iOS is. Of course Android is going to be ahead in Market Share. They reach a wider customer base, from low end Android devices closer to feature phones up to flagship devices that better compete with the iPhone and iOS.

    If you really want to know how the two are doing, you should be looking at Profit Share as well. My guess... Apple and iOS are the leader in that.

    wallpaper heart broken. Red heart broken Picture
  • Red heart broken Picture

  • WiiDSmoker
    Apr 20, 07:37 AM
    This model hasn't promised anything yet because no one but Apple knows what's in store. I don't see any cosmetic changes in store, and the iPhone 4 still looks better than every handset out to date. However don't count your chickens before they hatch!

    Sorry but my phone has never been dropped. Speak for yourself when you say it's going to get dropped. Not all of us are as clumsy as you and your friends apparently.

    How about glass that doesn't get scratched when a piece of hair lands on it?

    wallpaper heart broken. roken heart hand hold picture
  • roken heart hand hold picture

  • MikhailT
    May 7, 03:34 PM
    MobileMe doesn't even work right now... how would they ever support way more users?

    If you read, they said after a certain facility goes on, supposedly the new NC data center. It is very likely that there'll be a brand new version of MobileMe launching with it, along with iWork and Lala.

    wallpaper heart broken. Red Broken Heart Wallpaper
  • Red Broken Heart Wallpaper

  • Snowcat001
    May 7, 12:47 PM
    I'd get it if it were free!!

    gmail is free... so why can't mobile me?

    Now I start thinking about it, I've never paid Google a single cent, but I use
    *Google search engine
    *Google maps
    *Google Earth
    (*And I used Picasa for a short period of time)

    Maybe some orther stuff but the point is... its all free!:)

    Sep 11, 04:26 AM
    Does anybody know where this will be streamed to in London? Will it be in some sort of conference centre just for journalists, or will it be a public stream, maybe to the stores and/or the web?


    If it's anything like the last one that got a stream to Europe it will be just a small room at the BBC somewhere just for invited journalists.

    Apple haven't done public/store streams of any events for a long time now. You'll be able to watch it online a little while after the event.

    Mar 28, 09:41 AM
    Not cool. Coming from an iPhone 3GS, I seriously don't want to wait.

    Mar 29, 04:16 PM
    Thousands of people are dying in Japan and all you idiots care about is iPod Touch batteries? That's kind of... selfish.

    Here we go again....

    Please read the entire thread.

    Apr 9, 08:41 PM
    i worked it out as 288 using BODMAS order, or PEDMAS as you americans call it :P

    good idea to use Wolfram, that thing is pretty insane, and even Google can do it! step it up OS X calculator! :D

    EDIT: Spotlight is giving me 288.

    oh! looks like you just need to add an asterisk

    Mar 28, 10:49 AM
    No iPhone 5, but there will be iPhone invisio!

    ROTF. Dated. That must be why the recent mobile industry event that Apple didn't sponsor nor attend voted iPhone the best phone on the market.

    Well... it doesn't have Flash support, or 4G, or the fastest multi-core processor, or the largest screen!

    Now of course, lack a Flash has not been a big deal for me, and just because 90% of the US does not have 4G yet doesn't matter. I know if I see someone with more specs than my iPhone I instantly start having technowhinnieitis attacks and feel inferior... even though my iPhone works great, is fast, has the best screen on the market and iOS is easy to use and work with... does not matter! I want more!!!! :rolleyes:

    Oh.... I hope you can see the sarcasm! :p

    The way I see it is they have a hot product line now... take their time, focus on the new OS's and give us something killer in the fall. I see no downside.

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