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  • techpr
    May 7, 11:58 AM
    Beter not be free or the SPAMMERS will get a new domain name to SPAM with. If Apple is going to do something is lower the price but NOT free.

    My MobileMe experience has been great.

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  • p0intblank
    Nov 26, 12:41 PM
    I would really love to have a Mac Tablet. However, I don't see this happening anytime soon. But believe me, I would LOVE to have one.

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  • mr.steevo
    Apr 20, 10:07 AM
    What justifies European & European colonial sense of entitlement in forums like these?

    I can buy an iPhone without contract and I don't live in Europe.

    This is a world phone.

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  • Pink And Brown Wallpaper.

  • Littleodie914
    Mar 29, 08:38 AM
    Dang... I feel like $80 a month is a LOT of money for 1TB of space. Especially when you can pay $70 ONCE and get your own 1TB drive.


    Of course there are many benefits of having your data "in the cloud," but I think their prices are way too high.

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  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 25, 09:01 AM
    Any smart phone with GPS will track/store data.

    Thinking you can get away with this simply by switching brands is mental.

    Bottom line, if you don't want to be "tracked" (location recorded) don't own a cellphone. Those cellphone towers always know where you are =-O

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  • Hotel: Wallpaper coming

  • Defender2010
    Mar 27, 03:47 AM
    2011 is all about the iPad2...........period.........no iPad 3 until next year. Otherwise Steve would have said " three quarters of 2011 is all about the iPad 2 and the rest of it is about iPad 3"......don't you people listen????

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  • kskill
    Jul 29, 11:07 PM
    they guy says it's the sleekest phone he's ever seen? i wonder if it incorporates this "none-touch" interface that was posted earlier in the week for the iPod. that'd be pretty awesome.

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  • Marx55
    Aug 7, 05:25 PM
    About the cube pro or headless iMac

    I was thinking exactly the same thing. (although the Mac Pro is VERY tempting right now.)

    Yes, but quiet. Without fans, if possible.

    For those of you hoping for a mid-range tower, you're looking at it. Take the processor down from dual 2.66Ghz to dual 2.0 and the HD down from 250GB to 160, and you're looking at a $2124 machine.

    I sincerely doubt Apple will introduce any new model to its current lineup of mini/pro, macbook/macbook pro. Your best hope is a supermini.

    Whatever. But WITHOUT fans (quiet). Please!

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 14, 10:28 PM
    You don't, you only cut things that don't work and are unsuccessful. Don't feed money into something that isn't working, either fix it or cut it.

    I agree.

    This is a long term fix ... quite like our issue with energy. Quick action is less important that intelligent, strategic moves.

    Let's take a moment to assess what works and what doesn't. What needs to be cut and what needs to be augmented.

    Let's not be lured into thinking that everything needs to be cut equally. It's bad for haircuts. And it's bad for budgets too.

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  • mdntcallr
    Jul 23, 02:41 PM
    Racist. :p

    Kidding. I'm think they'll go with a high end black model eventually. Maybe give it a better video card or something to justify another hundred bucks or so. I'm hoping they do the same with the MacBooks. Maybe a new lowend pro, or a high end nonpro with a built-in video card. That would justify a $1500 purchase over a $1000 one to me.

    yeah i would love a MBP with:

    Black Case
    Better Graphics Chip
    Blu-ray drive (perhaps? apple is cutting edge in HD this would solidify it)

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  • gavers
    Mar 30, 09:48 PM
    The main hallmark of a 64-bit filesystem is that you can have files that are larger than (4GiB-1) - or (2GiB-1) if the filesystem treats offsets as signed integers.

    Another area where 64-bit filesystems show up is in the total volume size - if the filesystem uses 32-bits for sector addressing you'll have a maximum volume size of (2TiB-512).

    If your filesystem has issues with files bigger than 4 GiB (or 2GiB), and has issues with volumes bigger than 2 TiB - you have some 32-bit issues in your filesystem.

    This doesn't sound right. I have a single 60GB file on an HFS+ volume. I also have HFS+ volumes larger than 2TB. Wikipedia says HFS+ supports files and volumes up to 8 exabytes in size. NTFS is also 32-bit and supports files of 16TB and volumes of 256TB.

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  • Al Coholic
    Mar 29, 01:09 PM
    Hilarious that companies are copying Apple rumors now.Right. Like Apple invented everything.


    You fanboys crack me up.

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  • FaziBear
    Sep 15, 05:14 PM
    Yes finally! I think this makes sense, but then like all of you, this is just my opinion... anyways...



    10 Days and counting.

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  • CaoCao
    Apr 24, 02:43 AM
    I hope this arrives with the Mac Pros and enough GPU power to drive it (Crossfired 6990s anyone?)

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  • AppleKrate
    Sep 16, 12:03 PM
    I think if you risk it, they may let you keep the premiums. I forgot about the deadline today. That would indicate they may announce the new MBPs Tuesday as others have predicted already according to the student Free iPod offer deadline. Thanks for the reminder and good luck.

    Limey iPod deal ends October 7th :D http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects/ukstore

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  • Demon Hunter
    Aug 3, 11:15 PM
    I think the negative votes were from those who wanted Steve to announce Merom in updated Macs on Monday and not wait until September...

    Yeah... this seems to favor a Paris release...

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  • Gatorman
    Aug 11, 10:07 AM
    Wait a second...if they release it in Paris, won't it no longer qualify for the free ipod?!? :(

    BINGO! :D

    Well, due to my disappointment that they didn't release it at WWDC, I can't stand the waiting anymore so I've decided to go into suspended animation until they release the MBP in the next few weeks. Somebody make sure to wake me when its time to open up my wallet! :rolleyes:

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  • iZac
    Mar 26, 09:56 PM
    Perhaps in the same way that Apple previously pulled OSX software engineers to help polish iOS, they're now focusing on getting Lion out the door?

    Either that or a decent notification solution is still eluding them :P

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 17, 01:45 AM
    well i just placed my order for a 15" MBP 2.0 base model w/ an iPod 60GB

    i chatted with a rep and pointed out that i have 14 days to return. i have 30 days to submit the iPod rebate (which requires a upc cut from MBP box)

    so my status shows ship date of the 19th and arrival of the 26th!

    so kinda in a pickle with dates but the 60GB will only cost me $120 in the end.

    BTW, Im a first time mac buyer even though ive used em for years at work!

    http://static.flickr.com/81/244990126_78cbf5958d.jpgYou couldn't buy the new 80GB iPod at the new lower price of only $349? Man you are buying an obsolete inferior iPod. That is plain lame short sightedness. :eek:

    If I were you I would phone back and insist on the new 80GB model for sure.

    Mar 28, 10:19 AM
    Let's not forget that pre-iPhone smart phones were updated every couple of years (hardware wise, maybe some aesthetic changes if anything.) We'd see a refresh at CES, then a couple years after CES it would suddenly be on the shelves, probably with the same CPU, maybe a bit more RAM and the next version of Palm OS / Windows Mobile (Remember those? LOL).

    Finally... bad move Apple? Really? You mean like, Apple should have decided to go back in time and prevent the earthquake and tsunami or something? Everyone is debating whether or not this is a "smart move" by Apple. If this is true, they don't have a choice! Supply constraints are supply constraints, there aren't other chip manufacturers without seriously sacrificing the iPhone's performance and reliability, and therefore it's reputation. For those of you unaware, this rumor, if true, is the result of a massive natural disaster that recently occurred in Japan, where a number of iPhone components come from! Yes they are assembled in China, but as the article stated, Chinese manufacturers aren't getting their parts from Japan like they usually do around this time.

    It's crazy, people are freaking out talking about abandoning iPhones altogether because heaven forbid anyone wait a couple more months for something! I mean, it's what you want, but instead of waiting you'll "settle" for something else? Am I the only one who sees that flaw in logic? Maybe I'm biased because I didn't plan on being an iPhone 5 customer (no upgrade for another year and a half, so I'll be an iPhone 6 buyer), but I still think this whole conversation is silly. Apple is releasing much faster than anyone else had in the past, maybe not now, but had in the past, and Japan is a little inconvenienced right now, just in case you haven't watched the news.

    Also, on Apple's hardware being outdated when it hit the shelves. It always had. I had a 1GHz phone when Apple released there 600 and something MHz iPhone (first gen). It finally hit near 1GHz (but not quite) with the iPhone 4, when there were ALREADY 1GHz phones out for a while (Droid Incredible, etc.) The software trumps the hardware, it's efficient enough it "feels" fast, that's why people buy iPhones, not because the hardware numbers are higher than on the competition.

    Mar 27, 09:36 AM
    I highly doubt this is the case. The iPhone still leads the forefront for iOS devices and will receive iOS 5 when it is released. The only way this works is if the release of iPhone 5 is in September and I don't see that happening any time soon.
    I think iOS 5 will be released after the iPhone 5 and iPod touch 5 are released with the A5 processor.

    I also think iOS 5 and Mac OS X "Lion" will be tightly integrated, but not dependent on each other, so your Mac experience can be taken to the next level.

    Aug 7, 06:44 PM
    And it still doesn't run Adobe/Macromedia products. ;)

    Amen -- For me Adobe and Macromedia are huge apps -- I would never run them under Rosetta and chance my business to this setup.

    The Quad G5 is a great machine: worth the cash -- cheap RAM, native performance, 64-bit, good graphics, nice SATA and decent bus.

    Mar 30, 07:23 PM
    So nobody has answered yet whether this requires you to reinstall Lion or if you just install an "update" through the Mac App Store somehow. I am not at home so I can't test it out myself yet.

    Aug 2, 03:59 PM
    How can we get a hold of that keynote that Macrummors said will cover?
    The main page transforms, via dark magic, into a of constantly updated text portal.

    Legend has it that one MR member gets sucked into the swirling portal of dark magic and is trapped in a parallel universe for eternity.
    This happens once per keynote.

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