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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 21, 02:58 PM
    Boo...I want it bigger.

    No..really...I do. :mad:

    Besides Viagra you need to visit some other websites that promise that, not MR.

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  • gnasher729
    Apr 11, 05:48 AM
    It has nothing to do with being an engineer. And yes, math is a language that is the same all over the world.

    So what experience do you have with that? Trivial example: What is the meaning of ℕ? Is the zero included or not? Does ⊂ mean the same as ⊆ or does it mean the same as ⊊? There is no universal agreement on either. More trivial example: What you call "math" is called "maths" elsewhere.

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  • Daveoc64
    May 4, 03:08 PM
    Is everyone missing the "Preferred" in the headline of this thread? Preferred does not me "only" or "required" or "mandatory."

    We're not yet at the point where digitial distribution is a feasible option for everyone, but Apple needs to take the steps towards it now before the rest of the industry passes by.

    My opposition to this isn't because I think Digital Distribution is bad (the copy of Windows 7 I'm writing this on was downloaded, legally I might add, from Microsoft), it's because of how Apple is offering it.

    I was able to download a .iso of Windows and install it how I wanted to. I was able to back up the .iso to an external hard drive and also to burn a copy of it.

    The App Store (unless they change things) wouldn't allow that. I would have no problem with this if Apple included a way to create a DVD or USB installer from the download.

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  • Yamaha LC 135 Picture Design

  • BRLawyer
    Sep 16, 07:09 AM
    Now THAT's what I would like:

    "Since the release of the 15 inch MacBook Pro in January, speculation on the forthcoming Apple laptops is spreading throughout the net. Meanwhile, MacosXrumors has received a very unexpected report, providing information about one of the forthcoming MacBook Pros.

    The sources that can be qualified as �very reliable� (yes you read it well), are claiming that Apple plans to keep similar display size for its entry level Mac Book Pro by releasing what sources called an �ultra-thin 12 inch Mac Book Pro�."

    Source: www.macosxrumors.com

    I would buy one on the same day.

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  • acslater017
    Mar 30, 07:02 PM
    Enjoy your brand new 129$ Mac OS X latest revision (the most advanced, the most unique, the most... bla bla bla bla...) carrying more than XXX features (aka... just making the Mac OS X experience more iOS-alike so you get used to AppStore since soon you'll have to go through this method of delivery as there won't be any other one, because Mr. Jobs wants more money...)
    Yep... I think that 129$ sounds quite ok, for nothing :D

    Though I'm not surprise... there's nothing shocking that they can implement. This "update" is aimed at training people into AppStore (aka money)... and they even charge for it :D

    I don't throw the word "troll" around much (it's overused) but stop trolling.

    -Do we know the price?
    -Have you heard any credible information that the Macs will EVER only use the App Store?
    -how is Lion "nothing" - it unifies the window/Space/Dashboard viewing systems, it rethinks the entire process of file saving and revision, it adds tons of useful multitouch gestures, it implements new ways of downloading/sorting/viewing/launching apps, it adds new methods of wireless file sharing and adds security features.

    Tell me, what aspect of personal computing in OS X should be improved, and how would you do it

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  • CiBoys
    Aug 5, 04:48 AM
    What I really want Apple to announce:
    PowerMac (not MacPro FFS!:p )
    ACD's (17, 20, 23 and 30", iSight and IR)
    iPhone (http://www.floatingpears.com/garage/iPhone.jpg):rolleyes:
    Leopard (iChat integration with MSN Messenger:D )
    New MBP and iMac...

    I just want a new MacBook Pro :D :D :D

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  • Yamaha 135 LC(Malaysia)

  • superleccy
    Sep 15, 04:20 PM
    MBP updates? About time too!

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  • mr.barkan
    Aug 11, 10:36 PM
    i thought i read somewhere that you needed like 4 gazillion gigs of ram to actually run 64 bit programs... so wouldn't merom be more for bragging rights than actual usability?

    i've been waiting since may for merom to come out so i can buy a mbp... but now i'm actually thinking of waiting til santa rosa comes out...

    If you keep waiting next gens you'll wait your whole life!! =)
    I know it sucks but I agree that this next MBP with Merom is a good buy for the next 3 months...

    I guess it just varies on your needs... I mean, I have to buy a laptop from aug/27 till aug/31 for this work I'm doing.. if the rumors are strong, maybe I'll buy some compaq 64bit 600-700 laptop(amd), then sell it as soon as the new MBP comes out... i dunno... just speculating... It's going to be a hard week for me... hate when I need things that don't just depend on me... buying a 1st gen a week before 2nd gen comes out... the worst thing you can do in Computer market.... =PPP

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  • DavidCar
    Jul 22, 10:38 PM
    I'm with Multimedia i don't see why Apple would intentionally cripple the Macbook with yonah when they coast exactly the same and are just a drop in upgrade.
    Maybe the low end MacBook will keep Yonah and get a price drop, while the higher end MacBook, black and white, will get Merom. That might lead to the most sales, to both those looking for a cheaper MacBook, and those waiting for Merom.

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  • New Modifikasi Yamaha Spark

  • bella92108
    Apr 5, 02:31 PM
    Ok, so you don't know how jailbreaking works. Here's the deal:

    Jailbreakers find a flaw in the OS and find a way to break in. That same flaw could be used by hackers to attack my non-jailbroken phone.

    So Apple has to fix that hole to protect me. That has the side effect of not making the jailbreak anymore, but what do you want them to do? They have to protect me, the customer, when they find a security flaw. Right?

    So that's what they do. Anyone who argues that Apple should just leave secuity holes in their OS isn't really being realistic.

    While I agree in a sense, it's commonly known that there's no way to plug every hole, so you're scooping out water from a sinking ship with a cup. Every iOS device has been jailbroken since release, many several times using several exploits. There will never be a day when a software company will be smarter than the hacking community... software companies can't afford to buy them all :-)

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  • robvas
    Apr 21, 02:57 PM
    Making the width & height those dimensions, might make the length a lot longer. I could see space requirement problems & how would placement be effected without it being rack mounted?

    You mean depth. 1U's are DEEP.


    wallpaper yamaha 135lc. wallpaper yamaha 135lc.
  • wallpaper yamaha 135lc.

  • Scrumper
    May 6, 03:23 AM
    I have no idea about the validity of this rumour but if it happens, it will render my VERY expensive pro apps no longer supported...and I think that will be the time to free myself from Apple bondage and return to the Windows fold. Especially if this is a sign that Apple are moving away from "proper" computers and pouring everything into iOS. :(

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  • way2l84sanity
    May 6, 06:20 AM
    It wasn't long after I bought my first Mac in may of that I read this
    rumor (http://www.macrumors.com/2005/05/23/apple-in-talks-with-intel/). All of theses post sound very familiar.

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  • shompa
    Aug 7, 04:26 PM
    Not really significantly faster than the G5 Quad. Maybe 50% faster at best. As owner of a Quad G5 my motivation would be more about the 6 bays and the FW 800 on the front than the speed. :)

    The G5 is almost as fast per clock cycle.
    Apple COULD have released quad G5 3ghz instead, but they want us to use Intel.

    The whole Intel project is beacuse of no G5 laptop.

    Stupid IBM. I do not like X86, the play plattform.
    But, I have changed all my PPC macs to Intel now.
    Macbook pro, Macbook, macmini and today a Macpro.

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  • hyperpasta
    Jul 30, 08:22 AM
    Really, guys. How many times have we been through this?

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  • Max on Macs
    Jul 30, 01:57 AM
    Given that I have 13 months on my contract remaining, I'd say the chances of Apple releasing a cell phone next month are incredibly hot. I wonder what the early cancellation fee is.... Hmmm.

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  • Val-kyrie
    Aug 11, 06:30 PM
    Why would they give the Macbook that but leave the iMac with the original Core Duo? Doesn't make sense. I would think all three would get it or just the Macbook Pro.

    No one said the iMac won't get the Conroe Core 2 Duo chip; just that MBP and MB will get Merom--I also expect the Mac Mini to receive a dual-core Merom. WWDC is for developers; Paris, for more consumer-oriented things. I think the big announcement at Paris will be that all of Apple's lineup will be 64 bit with a simultaneous unveiling of updated iMacs, Mac Minis, MBPs, and MBs--though I still wonder about a new form factor for the MBPs. If not at Paris, then I expect a new form factor with the debut of the Santa Rosa chipset and Leopard next Spring.

    wallpaper yamaha 135lc. Yamaha 135LC
  • Yamaha 135LC

  • shawnce
    Aug 4, 04:07 PM
    You know, considering that Sony has been able to cram a DL drive in something as tiny as the TX series (not to mention the SZ series), I'm not sure why Apple couldn't do something similar with the 15" MBP.

    Why not compare the sizes?

    If you look both MBP are 1" tall with the lid closed while the Sony TX series is 1.12" tall and the SZ is 1.5" tall (at the thickest... which is up near the drive area).

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  • Modification Yamaha LC 135

  • Chuck
    Jul 22, 01:17 AM
    Geez!!! The Intel Imac has been out since what Janurary? Should the Imac not be the next to upgrade? Will it go with Conroe or Meron? Maybe a better videocard?

    I'm with you -X-

    Doesn't the iMac use the same intel chip as the MBP? Why all the hoohah about an impending MBP release, when it might also mean an upgrade for the iMac - which hasn't been bumped since it's announcement in Jan?

    Now before I'm lambarsted because the iMac is not a 'pro' machine, I am a professional graphic designer and I am in the market for one.

    Bring on the merom iMac! :cool:


    Mar 27, 11:32 AM
    There is probably some truth in it after all:

    The iPhone 5 will come with iOS 5 in June/July and then this fall, we will see iOS 5 for the iPad 2, making it feel like an all new iPad. Perhaps they even call it iPad 3 internally.

    This is also a perfectly sane explanation of the rumor of iOS 5 coming this fall - it will be, but it's the iPad version "the source" is talking about.

    Mar 30, 09:36 PM
    Yes I did, it was still grayed out.

    Not greyed out on my friend's sat next to me.

    May 8, 05:31 PM
    Knowing apple when you buy an apple product it will be free for a certain amount of time, than you will have to renew the membership for the $100.

    This has never happened

    May 6, 03:40 AM
    And let's not forget one thing: Apple moved from 680x0 to PPC and PPC to Intel because each time, the new CPU series offered a major improvement from the previous one. Today, Intel is the biggest innovator across the board in high-end CPUs - for desktop, server and laptops. There is no one on the horizon who can meet or beat Intel.

    My thoughts exactly. Even more so, when Apple left PPC they had huge problems getting faster processors from IBM. PowerBook G5 anyone? Windows based Intel systems were crushing Mac's like crazy and Apple couldn't do anything about it. Hence, the switch to Intel. Now we have zero problems so why switch to something that makes no sense.

    Apr 7, 09:29 AM
    This gives RIM time to rethink their tablet.

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