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  • Rafterman
    Mar 27, 09:56 AM
    Yeah, cloud based video is going to work really well with those 2GB and 4GB data caps by the cell companies :rolleyes:

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  • Icaras
    Apr 21, 02:37 PM
    Very interesting....

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  • Eidorian
    Aug 11, 10:11 AM
    Are there any benchmarks for the Core 2 Duo chips? What would we be getting from the upgrade?Merom or Conroe?

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  • newbididewbidie
    Apr 20, 12:23 AM
    New processor...same package. Works for me!

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  • Icaras
    May 4, 05:38 PM
    The number of lazy, complacent, disorganized, people that "don't want a disc lying around, or "don't want to keep track of one, is just hilarious.

    Or sad, depending on how you look at it.

    I'm not surprised that Apple plans to distribute it this way, since it gives them one more reason to trumpet their "fantastic Mac App store". Yeah right.

    Apple is dumbing down every step of the process.

    How long before it will be "too much work" to sit in front of the computer?

    Wow, what a great job to completely and unfairly judge people.

    I consider myself OCD level organized. One of the reasons why I am so organized (more so than ever now) is because much of my media and software have transitioned to digital.

    You have a very negative spin on Apple's approach. Instead of "dumbing down", I'll call it "simplifying", and I absolutely welcome the change.

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  • Brometheus
    Apr 25, 10:24 AM
    Apple could do themselves a lot of favours if they came out with an offical statement, explaining what iOS does in regards of user tracking ( i.e, location database ). Some 1 line email response fired off by SJ doesn't do much good.

    Once again, Apple fall down in terms of customer relations / communications. If Apple handled this correctly then all the fuss could go away in a couple days.
    Apple cannot get into the habit of responding to such claims immediately. Hershey or Pringles should definitely address such accusations of wrongdoing, because there are few internet forums filled with breathless commentary about those companies. However, there are probably more accusations against Apple than any other company in the world. Most of the controversies die after a week or two, so it makes sense to wait for a while. Otherwise Apple would constantly have to refute some claim or another. Then, if they filled to respond to any specific query the haters would accuse them of hiding something.

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  • LarryC
    Apr 21, 09:22 PM
    It's not going to happen. If Apple was still interested in offering a rack mountable system they would have redesigned the X-Serve instead of the Mac Pro.

    Where is the logic in dropping a perfectly fine rack-mountable system, because apparently it wasn't sold enough, and then convert the Mac Pro workstation to... a rack-mountable system?! They could've dropped the Mac Pro and rebrand X-Serve to Mac Pro instead. Same result.

    He makes a very good point. I do not understand why so many people want to make everything so small. I saw a post recently where a guy wanted Apple to drop the optical drive and use nothing but SSD in the iMac! Maybe I'm getting old and senile, but it makes no sense to me. And SSD's are still too expensive to be practical.

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  • 2ndPath
    Aug 4, 03:49 AM
    Wasn't there a decent price difference between the PB 12" and the 15" but had the same processor? I have no idea. I'm really just asking because i'm curious.

    Yes, but the difference in price has been smaller. But then there is no 12" or 13" MBP available and the 15" have additional differences, which could justify a price difference.

    I guess they will introduce Meroms a bit later into the MacBooks, but not too long after the MacBook Pros (unlike the iBooks which got the G4 about 2 years after the Powerbooks).

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  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 10, 08:53 AM
    I inputed it exactly like this in my calculator and I got 2. So...

    Edit: I voted 2 because I thought of it as 48 over (/) 2(9+3)
    But written as 48�2(9+3) I would say 288...


    You didn't enter it properly then...

    The thing about this question is, whats the point of the parentheses..

    Try using a calculator that uses the "/" instead of the divided by sign. You'll get 288. I tried it the way you did it on an old calculator and I got 2. But that's not the way it is in the OP. It's 48/2(9+3)

    LOL um... ok? It's a calculator...

    For the last time, a simple google search will show you guys that unless the calculator is in scientific mode, it will give you the wrong answer. Hard to believe, I guess, that a machine could be wrong, but it's true.

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  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 21, 03:53 PM
    And how do you operate it? A server can be accessed from a workstation but a Mac Pro IS a workstation, it's not a server. It's not a logical step. I have a professional photographer in the family, with a Mac Pro. He needs to load his RAWs onto his Mac for post processing. How to do this if that Mac is in another room, in a rack :confused: Very inconvenient if you ask me.

    Who said in another room? Sure if you want to operate it as a remote server, but workstations can very much benefit from being rack mountable.

    I have a friend that shoots stills while being tethered to his Mac Pro. It is on a rolling standard rackmount cart but takes up a huge amount of space on it because it is too tall to lay on its side.

    When he's done he rolls the cart into his edit room.

    I know of other people who use Mac Pro on film shoots to offload video files from cameras and make backups, on the set. They arrive with carts and roll them around as needed. They say the same thing, "I wish it was rackmountable".

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 5, 02:28 PM
    Yeah and that's what the loyalists said in the 80's, and there's less than 10% of us in the market now. You talk about security, but it's not a security threat to have a jailbroken user... oh wait, unless by security you're talking about someone picking up my phone and changing my home screen to 16 icon view instead of 12 that apple limits me too... oh the humanity. Call the pentagon, we have a breach... user is trying to put more icons on his screen than apple wants. Wake the president.

    Ok, so you don't know how jailbreaking works. Here's the deal:

    Jailbreakers find a flaw in the OS and find a way to break in. That same flaw could be used by hackers to attack my non-jailbroken phone.

    So Apple has to fix that hole to protect me. That has the side effect of not making the jailbreak anymore, but what do you want them to do? They have to protect me, the customer, when they find a security flaw. Right?

    So that's what they do. Anyone who argues that Apple should just leave secuity holes in their OS isn't really being realistic.

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  • kev0476
    Jul 30, 08:24 PM
    i get 3g data for 12.75 a month, unlimited.

    Just with the sprint = cheapest internet.

    That deal is through my dad's work. sprint seems very interested in salt lake city, best coverage in slc, entire university of utah is full reception, even underground.

    but then again, i did just buy the samsung a-900 a month ago. wow, karma is still kicking my ass. (i've done some bad things in the past :p )

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  • Mac'nCheese
    May 6, 05:21 PM
    OK. So we all agree 100% that the USA should switch to the metric system. Now the question is how? Cold turkey, change everything at once, all new signs on roads, all new packaging on goods, etc. Little by little, make new signs have both miles and kms and keep that for a generation? What would be easier?

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  • MacFly123
    Mar 30, 11:51 AM
    I don't see how Amazon's Cloud UI could be much better. It does follow Apple's UI, but hey, guess what? They're not Apple. Their UI IS very simple, I'd argue elegant and looks functional. As for a UI being 'cultural', you'll have to explain that one...

    Lol, I didn't think that my statements would be very controversial, but apparently there are people here that do not quite have an eye for good design. Sorry.

    Steve has spoken about Apple taking culture into their designs and products for many years. One example I listed is the beautiful new start menu in iMovie for iPad that is the marque of an old theater that even has the lights power up with authentic sound and visuals as the app opens to showcase your projects in a gallery of movie posters on the wall. Very creative and cultural!

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  • GregA
    May 6, 03:03 AM
    This seems like an inevitable move in the convergence of iOS devices and Mac computers. They will eventually be the same thing. Powerful, robust, thin, power efficient, easy to use touch interface.

    I don't think Macs will move to ARM.

    I do think we'll see MUCH more convergence of iOS 5 and OSX Lion than people are expecting - the 2 OSes will truly be released as "partner" OSes.

    Perhaps we'll see an iOS laptop - an iPad with a keyboard basically. Perhaps Macs will run iPad apps alongside dashboard apps. Certainly macs will add touch screens as soon as touch screens don't cost too much extra.

    Apple will certainly be keeping their options open.

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  • lgutie20
    Mar 29, 02:32 PM
    Note that MS is dropping the standalone Zune hardware, and moving the Zune interface into Windows Phone 7.

    If your phone can do it all, why make standalone music players?

    They exist for the real music addicts. I really believe that if there is an iPod that will be the first to disappear it will be the Touch.

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  • Fall Scenery. Colorado

  • Piggie
    Apr 23, 06:05 PM
    Ok, I'll try this question, which is a fair question...............

    Everyone says again and again, Apple does not aim for the high end.
    If we put Mac Pro's to one side as they are the proper PC's of the Apple Mac world.

    Let's speak about iMac's

    They are Apple mass consumer, man/woman in the street computers.
    They type of customers who just want to enjoy their computer and be able to get the jobs they want done in a nice and easy way.

    I think that's a fair statement.

    Also, as has been said, over and over and OVER again, these customers, that the iMac's are aimed at, are not Nerds, Not Tech Freaks, Not spec junkies.
    They are just normal people who probably don't want to be worried about specs and to be honest as long as it looks nice and moves smoothy on screen, don't care what's inside the case.

    Given this. If these "typical consumers, who don't care or really know about specs" are today, looking at their current 1920x1080 screens, or 1920x1200 screens, and they cannot see the individual pixels from their normal, let's say two feet away viewing distance, then what on earth would be the point in increasing costs, and slowing down an iMac by lumbering it with a higher resolution screen?

    What is the point, for these consumers, to increase the screen resolution when they can't make out the individual pixels currently?

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  • Full of Win
    Mar 27, 12:09 AM
    If true...sounds like iPhone 3GS and iPad 1 owners are going to be shown the door.

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  • thefunkymunky
    Aug 11, 09:49 AM
    My second replacement MBP is currently at the Apple Repair Centre and has been there for the last four weeks. Last update I had was that I need to give Apple another 48 hours to determine what has happened to my machine. If they don't have an answer for me they said they will send me a new one.

    I am meant to call back next Tuesday. I'm thinking about leaving it another few weeks now and then calling. Maybe they'll send me a new Merom MBP by then;)

    Sep 10, 11:22 PM
    Mine connection would take around 14 hours, but we have adsl 2+ now which is up to 24mb/sec. Can't wait to upgrade :cool:

    This movie store is all exciting and all, but with out world stores, it will be the US who will be enjoying it :(

    Yep, downloadable TV shows, movies for purchase or rent, iPhoto photobooks/prints/calendars/cards etc.

    Who gives a rat's? Not me because we can't use any of them.

    Apr 25, 09:14 AM
    I urge anyone who is a regular Macrumors reader to ignore anyone labeled as Newbie in threads/discussions on this tracking/location issue. Most are trolls.

    I was one of the more vocal advocates on these threads way back when in the early days of the antennagate fiasco and the sheer number of trolls were mind-numbing. Of course they all went away into their trolldom caves, but some are showing their trollish faces again.

    Another tip: best way to ignore trolls is to not feed them.

    Apr 7, 03:25 PM
    Yes, the war just started and things are heating up. I would think the next few years will result in a tablet OS distribution that looks like this:

    iOS - 35%
    Android - 40%
    WebOS - 20%
    RIM - 5%

    Apple - 35%
    HP - 20%
    RIM - 5%
    Samsung - 15%
    Moto - 10%
    LG - 10%
    HTC - 5%

    Maybe Microsoft will wedge their way in, maybe the percentages will be shifted around a little. But the growth of the tablet market will stabilize or at least stop growing at the rapid pace that it currently enjoys.

    The point I'm making is that the hot market only seems to be lasting 4 to 5 years. 10 years ago, MP3 players was the hot market. 5 years ago, smartphones was the hot market. This year, it's tablets. 5 years from now ... who knows, but it won't be tablets.

    Don't apply the phone dynamic to Tablets. Android is not likely to take a lead in tablet market share for a long time if forever.

    Every single time a customer goes to buy a tablet they will have the choice to buy an iPad. The only way that changes is if the wireless companies are able to give away cheap android tablets with data plan contracts. Otherwise, it is going to be very difficult for the commodity android market to overtake Apple.

    Every store they go to, an iPad will be there next to it, and since Apple took such an aggressive price stance from the beginning, it is going to be hard for anyone to take that position away from them, especially a mish mash of opposing companies relying on a free OS by another party.

    Aug 7, 07:58 PM
    For the budget conscious, you can order a 2GHz MacIntel Pro for only $1962 with a 160GB HD. Since 250 GB Hds are only $70 these days - recently 400 GB was $99 at Fry's, yes SATA/300 Maxtor - Getting rid of the Apple 250 for a 160 is worth saving $67.

    Apple's $400 price for 500GB HDs is Absurd. Fry's $99 for 400GB Maxtor SATA/300 on Memorial Day is more reasonable wouldn't you say?

    The above is all based on the Educational pricing. But even the retail pricing is better saved than spent. ;)

    My GUESS is that the 2GB MacIntel Quad is about the same speed or a little slower than the G5 Quad. But I love the 6 bays and additional ports in it.

    I'm looking forward to teh benchmarks on the 2GHz Mac Pro Quad Vs. The 2.5GHz PM G5 Quad. That will tell quite the story. Note the SATA bus is 300 vs 150 on the G5.

    But it is only about 15% more money - $270 Ed or $300 Retail - for 33% More Power. So the 2GHz model becomes an "it's all I can afford" model. Or only need for non-speed intensive applications.

    Looks like a 3GB RAM config will cost at least almost $400 more - getting 2GB from third party. So pretty much a $2900 deal - Educational (plus HDs) for minimum 3GB setup on the 2.66GHz model - including 8% CA Sales Tax.

    Sep 11, 12:58 AM
    8GB metal nano. i'd pick one up immediately. otherwise i'll pick up a refurb 5G while waiting for the full-screen ipod next year...

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