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  • mrgazpacho
    Sep 16, 11:29 AM
    Sorry, but not all here are U.S. citizens (probably the majority)...when is that famous "Thanksgiving" happening?

    4th Thursday in November

    One reason "Thanksgiving" is significant is that it traditionally signifies the start of the pre-Christmas buying season...

    wallpaper interior design ideas. Interior Decorating Ideas
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  • Popeye206
    Apr 20, 04:51 AM
    This will definitely be the first iteration of the iPhone that I will pass on. It's certainly not much of an upgrade from the iPhone 4.

    LOL! Sorry... not just laughing at you, but these are all pretty vague rumors so far so we have no idea what's really going to be there.

    Besides things like faster processors, upgraded cameras, more RAM, 4G, and/or RFID what the heck else can you pack into a phone that isn't addressed at the software level?

    However... with that said, I did also hear from the neighbor of a friend that has a friend that works for a supplier that makes the buttons on the iPhone that the new iPhone will definitely have buttons. :p

    wallpaper interior design ideas. Modern Wallpapers Interior
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  • LanPhantom
    Apr 7, 11:47 AM
    I would imagine we aren't getting the full story here. Companies would jump at the opportunity to produce more products. I don't care how it's done, 24hr operations, add capacity to their facilities, etc.

    I think RIM's offer to the companies wasn't as good as Apples and the companies said "Well, thanks for the offer, but we just don't have the room" Considering the longevity of the RIM Playbook is still questionable, why would a company commit to supplying a short term product. At least with Apple, they feel comfortable looking long term and committing to building a TON of them. Knowing they won't be left with a supply line dead in the water.

    Again, if the TRUE demand exists, producers will produce. It's all about Money.


    WOW - BC2009, you hit my nail on the head right before I did!!! Nice job!

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  • VivaLaDricas
    Apr 26, 02:53 PM
    Don't see how this is news really. 2+2=4 webOS, Winmo7, etc.. whatever is on the sheer amount of devices Android is on will have larger numbers. Apple does things their way to make money on the hardware as well which = lower share.

    Hopefully HP does something with webOS and MS makes strides in their mobile area so we have a lot of choice and not eventually 80%+ Android stuff.

    Nothing against Android here, just saying most of this is obvious and a no sh** type of news.

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  • AppleKrate
    Sep 16, 11:59 AM
    I too am interested in the display and related resolution questions.... A 17" MBP for used for video editing would make much more sense with a HD screen ie >1920x1080 (Sony already sell a 1920x1200 machine http://b2b.sony.com/Solutions/product/VGN-AR290G has a blu-ray burner too...)

    Oh, and one more thing... it's got a Core� 2 Duo inside!:eek:

    (but no OSX:p )

    wallpaper interior design ideas. http://luxury-interior-design.
  • http://luxury-interior-design.

  • tazinlwfl
    Apr 25, 09:45 AM
    Too late for that: http://www.spokeo.com/

    That's crazy - I just found that site recently when searching for a potential hire... Found the dude's address, parents' name, the fact he had a sister, and how much his house was worth. First listing in Google results, too. And I don't even have an account with it. That was the free information...

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  • Unspeaked
    Jul 21, 08:57 PM
    People, they only released the MacBooks two months ago!

    They're not gonna upgrade them in a matter of weeks.

    It'll be the new chips in the Pro models, and AT BEST a slight speedbump to the Black MacBook (maybe the 2.16 GHz chip)...

    wallpaper interior design ideas. wallpaper interior design
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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 25, 10:15 AM

    Apple and iPhone track User Locations
    Easily accessible file to any one who has access to one's iPhone/iPad


    iPhone tracks User Locations.
    Apple does NOT track User Locations.
    Accessibility threat is a void as one can do wonders if he has your property.

    Steve Jobs is a dick because I hate Apple. Android is open and I love open. I can open it. I can wigets. I can overclock the **** out of it. Apple is Closed. Hypocrites and Evil.
    And I'm 12. :rolleyes:

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Sep 15, 07:55 PM
    Of course MBPs are being updated... I BOUGHT ONE TODAY! :rolleyes:


    Thanks! When you get it, we will all thank you and invite you over to see our Merom MBP.

    wallpaper interior design ideas. Modern Wallpapers Interior
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  • lilcosco08
    Apr 26, 02:10 PM
    I lol'd at symbian in the last chart

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  • hyperpasta
    Aug 2, 11:36 AM
    Don't forget that apple dont just compete with themselves but other PC manufacturers now, and that release schedule would put them way behind. I expect speedbump/updated MBP and iMac at least. Probably on a random Tuesday soon.

    Very good point. However, I still wouldn't expect these at WWDC. Merom won't be ready until Late August/Early September anyway... but perhaps a Conroe iMac could quietly show up some tuesday in late august in one of those four little squares on the Apple homepage...

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  • wclyffe
    Jan 24, 02:37 PM
    Ok, so for what it's worth here are my thoughts in using the Magellan Car Kit for a few days. I'll cut to the chase by telling you I'm sending it back. My big complaints are the bluetooth speakerphone is terrible with the volume being so low during phone calls that you have to turn it all the way up, but that's still not high enough. Then when you get Nav directions you have to turn it way down. The mic is very poor and I made about 15-20 calls during, and not during, the Nav software running. The 3.5mm input to connect your stereo system also plays the small bluetooth speaker on the kit at the same time....that is ridiculous, as its a tiny speaker and you cannot drive it like you can your car speakers, plus it does not sound great playing music through it. The good things were in my earlier post...the ability to pop your phone in with the case on, rock solid and better detent positions than the TomTom that do not slip, the Nav chip seems to locate very quickly, and the Nav directions through the speaker are loud and clear. I guess I'm back to waiting for someone to do this right!

    wallpaper interior design ideas. «Bedroom Interior Design Ideas
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  • macenforcer
    Aug 7, 06:46 PM
    1 GB Sticks are only $125 each from Third Parties. (http://www.oempcworld.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=1.0G-PC2-5300E&Category_Code=240pin)

    2x1 = 2GB = $250 vs Apples 4x 512 NOT 6x 512 = + $270
    4x1 = 4GB = $500 vs. Apple's $990

    I think you really should change your order to base ram and add TWO 1GB sticks for only $250 for a total of 3GB to begin with for less than the cost of TWO from Apple taking up only 4 slots. :)

    But are they FB-DIMMs?

    wallpaper interior design ideas. Interior Design Ideas : 4 Cool
  • Interior Design Ideas : 4 Cool

  • MorphingDragon
    May 6, 06:45 AM
    I'm not surprised about people getting overhyped. Just look the "3D" thread here.

    Like I understand the benefits the new design could bring, its just that I'm a bit cynical when it comes to CPU enhancements, especially after Cell B.E. and the original Phenom architecture.

    Intel's hype machine is also very efficient. :rolleyes:

    wallpaper interior design ideas. Brown Bedroom Design Ideas
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  • fastlane1588
    Aug 7, 02:01 PM
    Now we enter the era of "Merom MacBook Pros next Tuesday!" rumors :p

    Anything that wasn't mentioned today can still come at any time :)

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  • Digital Wallpaper, Cool Ideas

  • Tilpots
    Apr 9, 09:12 PM
    Because to teach kids the correct way to do math, teachers make up examples in which some actual thinking is needed to solve the problem. Written the way you just put it, it does not teach pemdas, something this math problem is obviously supposed to do. Your math teacher obviously taught u wrong or you just forgot how to do math as my numerous facts supported by searches prove. I dont need to call anyone, I taught SAT review courses for over a decade and my wife is currently a math teacher. But please take my challenge. Go to your local school and ask any math teacher how to properly do pemdas if u still can't accept the fact that u are clearly, beyond any shadow of a doubt, wrong.

    BS. The only lesson to be learned here is that teachers devise lame pneumonic devices to confuse kids. If you're so damn smart, why wouldn't you properly write the correct equation with proper groupings in the first place?

    Look at the poll, the groups divided about 50/50. Great job you and your teaching pals did. So much for "perfectly noted." This example is a classic glass half full/empty exercise.

    Tastes great. (who's with me):p

    wallpaper interior design ideas. Interior Design Ideas,
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  • suwandy
    Sep 16, 02:08 AM
    Why? Just because it is 1.2 would be a decimal point update doesn't mean it would not be significant. 1 > 1.1 was very good. 1.1 > 1.2 could be just as good and free for all of us that are early adopters of the software.

    In case you are new or unfamiliar to programming, a decimal point update is more of a minor update rather than major update. Minor update could be, bug fixes, tweaks, yada yada. Major would mean something really significant. I think what Molnies was referring to was he wants to see major update.

    As an example, no matter how many decimal updates you put to Mac OS 9 they aren't really that significant. But throw in MAC OS X and you see how the interface are entirely different.

    wallpaper interior design ideas. wallpaper interior design
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  • ender land
    Apr 10, 10:54 AM
    For the record, I am sad that 2 is winning (or even close) to 288. But it does help explain one thing - a reason why so many people I try to tutor/help with math cannot seem to understand basic algebra operations is because nearly 50% of people do not understand order of operations (this was roughly the same percentage on the physics poll linked to earlier) :(

    No wonder people have so much trouble with doing algebra correctly :eek:

    wallpaper interior design ideas. 018 Interior Design Ideas : 4
  • 018 Interior Design Ideas : 4

  • bedifferent
    Mar 30, 11:08 PM
    pretty much the vast majority of electronic products are designed in the westernized world and manufactured in some third world country. Fortunate or unfortunate that's the reality.

    Yup. Ever since our government and our dollars allow larger companies to strong arm smaller businesses to manufacture their products cheaper overseas, thereby shutting down American plants and businesses, we shot ourselves in the collective foot.

    Google Walmart and Rubbermaid. The growing trend in overseas production was kicked in high gear when Walmart threatened Rubbermaid that they would pull their product if they didn't shut down their American businesses to manufacture their products in cheaper bulk in China. Rubbermaid refused as they employed thousands of Americans, and not just in production plants but in marketing, etc. In 1994 Walmart pulled all Rubbermaid products from their shelves, Rubbermaid lost 60%+ of their business, almost went bankrupt, was bought by another company, shut down their plants, and acquiesced to Walmart. Walmart then went into the towns where Rubbermaid once employed so many and built Walmarts. Now ex-Rubbermaid employees who had pensions, 401k's and 100K+ salaries are forced to shell out cheap Chinese goods at minimum wage.


    AND GET READY, now that the Supreme Court has ruled that politicians can receive UNLIMITED FUNDING from CORPORATIONS, we will see even more corporate Amerikkka placing their divested interests into Washington. More nuclear power plants and waste and BP oil spills? "You betcha! Drill, baby, drill" and keep those lobbyists working! :rolleyes:

    FACT: the biggest cargo ship to date was built in China, it carries manufactured products to the US, and garbage disposed of FROM the US. The mid-20th Century, we were one of the biggest producers of quality goods in the world. Now, with a failed education system, 60%+ of our money going to our military to obtain natural resources and less money to become an educated and healthy global member, we are simply "meat with eyes", consuming everything that is marketed our way, spending our money through Goldman Sachs and producing almost NOTHING.

    Nov 3, 09:49 AM
    I got mine yesterday and LOVE it. Navigon app + TomTom car kit = win.

    So does the Navigon app actually uses the Tom Tom's GPS chip, or is the Tom Tom just a window mount when used with another navigation app? I would like to know this.

    Apr 19, 01:32 PM
    That is a fair point.

    Perhaps the question is this. For those people who pay no federal income taxes, what other federal taxes do they pay? Since you are a tax attorney, I'm guessing you may have a good link.

    It may be a fair point, but a bit of an overstatement. The original statement wasn't that they pay no taxes, but that they paid no income taxes. The implication that they paid no taxes is what is actually improper.

    FICA, SS - Medicare are the big federal taxes just about everyone pays. Beyond that, there are telecommunications taxes, gasoline taxes, and many other taxes imposed at the state level to pay for federally mandated costs.

    That brings me to the big mistake when it comes to debating federal taxes. Just because you reduce federal government spending, does NOT reduce the things government has to do for our society to function the way we want it to. It certainly doesn't pay for what we could be doing. A reduction of federal taxes by $1 does not necessarily reduce your tax burden by $1. Much of the expense of required government services is passed on to the states where the tax burdens are almost all regressive (there are some mildly progressive state income taxes). Sales taxes, for example, are very regressive, and are used by local governments to fund local services, many of which used to have federal funding that is long gone. Same goes for education (property taxes/lottery), medicaid, and a whole littiny of other services.

    I point this out because your rising state taxes are in part due to federal funding that was initially sold as a way of "getting the federal government out of a local function." The money was allocated to the states to spend on some service that had been previously provided by the feds, but then guess what, it was easy to cut.

    What happens down the road when the people who are advocating for the Medicaid block grant want to gut its funding? Either Medicaid dies, or your state taxes will go up.

    In my dream world, all levels of government would be funded by a single far more progressive income tax that treats all income identically. Every other form of tax would be unnecessary. (edit) Callmemike - to achieve this, or eliminate other taxes, would require constitutional amendment and cooperating local and state government.

    Personally, I would be willing to pay more taxes so that I can retire and spoil my grandchildren, and tell them stories they won't believe about how our country used to be deep in debt.

    May 8, 05:31 PM
    Knowing apple when you buy an apple product it will be free for a certain amount of time, than you will have to renew the membership for the $100.

    This has never happened

    Aug 12, 03:07 AM
    i don't think so. i'm sure apple put some sticky stuff on the processor and the motherboard so that it'll stay there basically forever.

    dang, i knew it was a long shot. Oh well, time to buy some more ram for my mbp... that will suffice for now

    May 3, 04:51 PM
    I don't know. I like the current system. The middle part of your pinky finger is about an inch. Your foot is about a foot. From your nose to the tip of your stretched arm is a yard.

    The only way I know the metric system is 39 inches in a meter, centimeter is the width of a dime, and a kilometer is half a mile. I need something to help me visualize stuff like body parts. That is why the imperial system was developed.

    Plus it is convenient if you don't have a ruler and you need to measure something, get your middle part of your pinky and start measuring. Real handy. :p

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