wallpaper guitar bass

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  • view slipknot guitar bass

  • Nuvi
    Nov 16, 02:30 PM
    Sounds like a virus in itself. A pointless piece of software which just hogs your RAM. Totally useless for Mac OS X.

    Gee, there is nothing like sending files with virus to your PC using friends or clients. Hey, there is our awesome showreel, presentation and virus to boot. That should leave lasting impression. When the Mac OS X is hit with first major virus infection I rather be safe then sorry. Regarding use of RAM, what are you talking about? This software has extremely small footprint and only time you see it using cycles is when you start manual scan.

    wallpaper guitar bass. acoustic ass guitar,
  • acoustic ass guitar,

  • PlipPlop
    Apr 20, 04:09 AM
    Apple copying the power of the HTC Sensation. They should also concentrate on the IOS because its a joke compared to other new smartphone operating systems.

    wallpaper guitar bass. bell guitar, ass power
  • bell guitar, ass power

  • wclyffe
    Nov 28, 03:37 PM
    There is absolutely no room for any case to work with the TomTom car kit.

    I'm guessing you could have a clear protector application like Invisible Shield to prevent scratches and that would fit fine.

    wallpaper guitar bass. acoustic ass guitar,
  • acoustic ass guitar,

  • jaduffy108
    Sep 16, 09:12 PM
    Dreaming really (note 1920 res. hack for PB thread here has over 100k views, Apple get a clue!), but hopefully the delay has more to do with better upgrades, vid chip (Nvidia GeForce Go 7900 GTX, 512 MB please), a true HD screen (WQUXGA (http://www.videotechnology.com/0904/formats.html) would be even nicer, 4k res, yeah baby, just the ticket for Leopard and the 17in model), etc. ; than limited supply of Merom's...why put them in the iMac 1st when the profit margin is higher on the MBP's- which are in more need of an early upgrade than the iMac?

    Dell already has these features in one of it's expensive laptops (though almost twice as thick, which makes it much easier to implement):

    ### I hope you're right about a GO 7900 gtx, but it will shock me. Apple has always had limited choices (if any)...lower performance gpu's in their laptops compared to Dell or Alienware. *I* don't want 1920res...1680 is a nice res.

    wallpaper guitar bass. guitar, ass, drums,
  • guitar, ass, drums,

  • Satori
    Apr 25, 09:43 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I don't get the big deal about it. If you want to be anonymous, get off fb, twitter, macrumors, etc. Then cancel all Internet plans you have and your cellular plan. Then no one will ever know where you are unless you tell them.

    And also make sure that you don't leave home without a heavy disguise in case you get tracked by a CCTV camera.

    wallpaper guitar bass. guitar, ass, power tabs
  • guitar, ass, power tabs

  • GQB
    Mar 28, 10:44 AM
    If this is true, I'm getting an HTC Android phone.

    I still have the iPhone 3GS (2 year contract), so I want to upgrade THIS year, preferably this summer.

    Don't let me down Apple!

    The danger isn't from iPhone users jumping ship into the Android cesspool, but failing to capitalize on Android defections.

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  • ass guitar music notesass

  • cerote
    Apr 5, 09:09 PM
    Hmmm... I think I'll go jailbreak my iPod touch now.

    Maybe then I can get a toggle switch for wifi on my home screen. :rolleyes:


    Toggles for settings that you can get to with a single swipe across the status bar.

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  • asshunter guitar hero 3

  • Maxiseller
    Aug 2, 12:17 PM
    If you 'can't have cameras' dont use them. It doesnt matter if they are built in. And for people with dual monitors they will have... er... oh yeh two cameras :D

    Well...alright, if you want ;) . All i know is that places where sensitive information is important, they'll use another display.

    The main point I'm not making very elegantly however is that I just don't feel that a cheap built in camera is a pro feature - and lets face it - a display starting at �550 is certainly aimed to the pro market.

    I know a lot more pros who wouldn't care about the camera than those who would welcome it. Heck, lets save a bit off the price eh apple?

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  • blue guitar wallpaper 26182406

  • snebes
    Mar 30, 05:54 PM

    At least 95% of rumors posted here and other Apple-related forums end up being wrong.

    MacRumors is keeping up with this obvious error. I doubt Lion will be ready even by the WWDC. A summer release is what I predict.

    wallpaper guitar bass. Guitar and ass wallpapers
  • Guitar and ass wallpapers

  • nsjoker
    Aug 7, 03:27 PM
    106fps in Doom 3 at high quality with the X1900 XT :eek: :eek:

    What a machine! I'll have 3 to go please.


    alienware, less expensive, 222 fps :D
    granted no os x though so i understand.

    wallpaper guitar bass. Bass Wallpaper 1. Bass guitar
  • Bass Wallpaper 1. Bass guitar

  • ewanr
    Apr 25, 09:21 AM
    I get that Apple isn't tracking anyone.. and all mobile phone records are available to law enforcement via warrant, etc.

    However, this data is too easily accessible to a spouse who has access to the computer used as the backup machine. I could see situations where a jealous spouse, or controlling dhead husband wants to monitor where their spouse has been, or is going..

    I think this is a huge problem and needs to be addressed. It's just too easy for this to be abused. Please Apple, encrypt the db and trim it.

    wallpaper guitar bass. Mikey Way (ass guitar)
  • Mikey Way (ass guitar)

  • daneoni
    Sep 11, 11:55 AM
    Not to add onto the whining about merom notebooks, but I thought people a little while back were saying they'd be coming on the apple event on the 12th...:confused:

    Yeah, that was prior to the invites sent out. Jobs from experience will be pitching the movie store hard..meaning the laptop updates have to take a back seat for now. I mean they announced a 24" iMac quietly just to give you an idea of how important this is to them. Laptop updates? i wouldnt count on it...at least for now

    wallpaper guitar bass. stock vector ass guitar
  • stock vector ass guitar

  • JAT
    Apr 20, 12:02 PM
    You're just screwing with me, right? Because this has nothing to do with what I actually wrote.
    Yes, the US is literally the entire world. There are no other countries, let alone other countries with 12-month contracts. Why, Sir, that would be inconceivable!
    I think it does. Obviously, so did others.

    wallpaper guitar bass. acoustic ass guitar,
  • acoustic ass guitar,

  • err404
    Apr 5, 04:06 PM
    The problem is that people want to think of an iPhone as a PC. They apply PC analogies and logic. However the reality is that the cell industry has more in common with appliances or consoles. It's traditionally a heavily curated environment.

    Apple: Start with a "restricted" system and open it up to allow for PC like advantages. (The App Store is an example of this)

    Google: Start with an "open" system and lock it down to meet carrier needs and leverage the advantages of curation. (The Google Market place is an example of this)

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  • favorite guitar Wallpapers

  • davidw
    Mar 28, 10:24 AM
    Wow, I can't see this happening. There is too much momentum for them to wait 2 years in between phones. They will release a 4GS!

    I think Apple will be fine no matter what, and if they feel it's better to make sure that new iterations of the phone are SIGNIFICANT improvements (after all, the iPhone has become Apple's signature device, even more than the Mac or the iPad) then perhaps they won't release a 4GS with just speed improvements.

    It will be hard to top significant upgrade from 3GS to the 4G, especially when you consider build quality and the Retina Display, which is still the sharpest screen on the market.

    wallpaper guitar bass. Bass Guitar,
  • Bass Guitar,

  • ergle2
    Sep 15, 11:08 PM
    Thank You For This Excellent Analysis Of Santa Rosa And What It Will And Won't Be ergle2. Best I've read anywhere here so far.

    Thanks -- Glad you liked it :)

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  • chords guitar bass power

  • Cougarcat
    May 4, 06:22 PM
    I said it in the other thread : All for a download version of OS X Lion, but it should not be through the app store like the current DP. Checkout should provide you with a disc image that you burn to your own DVD/USB Thumb drive.

    You can already make a bootable USB thumb drive/DVD/external HD partition with Lion. You just have to use "Show Package Contents" to access the .dmg. Hopefully Apple will make a more user-friendly way of making a hard backup, perhaps through the installer itself.

    To the guy who asked about software updates: They are still done through Software Update. OS updates will never be downloaded on the App Store (except, perhaps if you want to re-image your install with the latest point release you'd be redownload it.)

    One thing that concerns me is educational pricing. There is no mechanism for edu discounts on the App store currently. That may force me to go the DVD route, if Lion turns out to be a full $129 release with an edu version for $69.

    Other than that, I couldn't care less whether I get the Lion dmg either via apple.com or the app store.

    wallpaper guitar bass. colt guitar, ass, drum,
  • colt guitar, ass, drum,

  • ZorPrime
    Nov 26, 12:34 AM
    i hope apple comes out with a shoe phone, something the pink panther or inspector gadget would use.

    Very retro.. ;)

    wallpaper guitar bass. Fender guitar wallpaper.
  • Fender guitar wallpaper.

  • KindredMAC
    Aug 7, 05:22 PM
    I am very much a pro user and I very much have no use for airport or bluetooth. So I'm glad that it's not being forced on me.
    I'm a Pro too...BUT I did get my PM G5 with APE and BT installed and I DO think they should be standard.

    My reasoning was the "Future" and "Wirelessness".

    I knew that my Airport Extreme station sits right above my set up on a shelf, but I don't know where my G5 might end up down the road in my house, especially if I finish my basement and put a seperate Studio in there. I will probably need to put the Airport somewhere in the middle of the house so our laptops can still get it put not right where the G5 is.

    As for BT... #1 Reason- Wireless Keyboard, Mouse and Tablets.
    #2 Reason- Many rumors have circulated for almost a year of possible BT integration into the iPods. Maybe for Headphones? Maybe for file transfers? Who knows at this point! So I wanted it JUST IN CASE. As it is, you can't add those items after market into the Macs so why not do it now.

    As for "forcing" a tech on someone, I think FW 800 is a forcing of tech on people. I don't need FW 800. I make use of it because it is there in place of extra FW 400 plugs. I would like to know how many out there use their FW 800 ports on their G5's and for what. Ya know what I use mine for? My 3G iPod. Whuppdy Doo!

    May 4, 08:34 PM
    I think I'll go with the App store method. I don't like discs lying around. I don't forsee having to ever have to install the OS from scratch however I do wonder how one would restore their backup from Time Machine in the event that their disk gets borked.

    Just do the title item.

    Many times I find it easier to start from a fresh start when I install new hard drives. This happens usually once a year with a newer & larger hard drive. Other time I just use Carbon Copy Cloner to do the job for me.

    Dec 28, 09:42 PM
    Reason not to use AV software with real-time scanning with elevated privileges. (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=11570070&postcount=31)

    Apr 10, 11:13 AM
    I wish there was a poll option of who is getting 288 and is say in a technical field such as engineering/stats/physics, etc

    My guess is that 288 is coming from people who use math extensively and 2 coming from those who may not...


    Mar 31, 02:28 PM
    You get 20 gigs if you buy an album on Amazon. Here's an album for a dollar:


    You do the math.

    Only for a year. Fill up that 20 Gigs and a year later you can either empty it down to the free 5, or pony up.

    Aug 3, 11:49 PM
    I'm gonna go on record and say they will NOT intro new MBP at wwdc. Some sales of the current MBP are better than none and if they they intro a new one they will not sell any and probably just take pre orders. Not gonna happen. They will wait until late August or early September to announce them when they are actually ready.Steve does not have to announce any new products to say they are going to shift to Core 2 across the board ASAP. :)

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