david wright shirtless

david wright shirtless. David Wright and The Situation
  • David Wright and The Situation

  • skunk
    Apr 18, 04:07 PM
    If you want a job with more vacation days, FIND ONE! no one owes you a darn thing, certainly not pay for days off.From your own assertion it would seem that some firms think they owe their workers a vacation.

    1. If you are on Salary, you contractually agreed to get the job done regardless of the typical "work week". If you don't want to work long hours, don't accept a salaried position. Just because you contractually agree to do something does not change the fact that the conditions of your employment should meet some agreed minimum standard. Otherwise, in times of high unemployment, it would just be a hell-for-leather race to the bottom.

    david wright shirtless. notion of David Wright as
  • notion of David Wright as

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 25, 12:16 AM
    What happens if you did it to a mafia boss?

    david wright shirtless. From Chortle.co.uk Ricky
  • From Chortle.co.uk Ricky

  • Steve121178
    Apr 20, 10:49 AM
    What does this even mean? "Apple has never cared about the user?" Perhaps you can teach us, then, how Apple has enjoyed so much success despite "never caring for the user."

    Or was it simply fun to write those sentences?

    Apple does not care about us, they just enjoy us lining their pockets full of cash. They get us hooked on using their products and we go and buy more and more of them. They just enjoy getting our money, like any business.

    david wright shirtless. By David Bentley on May 22,
  • By David Bentley on May 22,

  • sushi
    Sep 13, 03:12 AM
    Does anyone else think something more might be coming? With the price drop of both models and the lack of drastic changes ie the rumored full screen, bluetooth, and virtual click wheel?
    Could there be a "one more thing..." next week?
    Apple will eventually introduce a true video iPod.

    My guess will be after bigger 1.8 inch HDs are released.

    I don't expect this until after New Years.

    david wright shirtless. BARACK OBAMA SHIRTLESS BEACH

  • Christopher387A
    Apr 25, 02:11 PM
    I can't wait! :D

    david wright shirtless. dennis cole shirtless
  • dennis cole shirtless

  • cwt1nospam
    Feb 1, 11:07 AM
    Yeah, the fact that there are no Mac viruses and Mac trojans are spectacularly unsuccessful means nothing. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
    And IOS devices are sitting ducks, being locked down to the point where users cannot load un-vetted applications. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    david wright shirtless. tim-urban-shirtless
  • tim-urban-shirtless

  • KilGil27
    Sep 19, 02:40 PM
    This is fairly remarkable, considering that the really only viable place to watch these movies is on an iPod! Yes, you can watch it on your iMac, or on your television hooked to a Mac Mini.
    or... any other computer you wanted to...

    david wright shirtless. David Wright, Injury
  • David Wright, Injury

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 01:03 PM
    If he had one he might be a live hero.

    Its actually easier to be the hero when the odds aren't so stacked against you. Its harder to be the hero when you know you will likely die. So in fact I'd say he was even more heroic for what he had done than if he had had a gun.

    david wright shirtless. nukka jdav
  • nukka jdav

  • Marx55
    Apr 30, 04:23 PM
    Please, matte displays, at least as an option. Otherwise, it is a deal breaker. Check out to sign the petition:

    MacMatte (matte petition)

    david wright shirtless. Jeremy_piven_shirtless
  • Jeremy_piven_shirtless

  • EagerDragon
    Sep 4, 08:16 PM
    If you're like me, you don't have your Mac right next to your TV. Not only would I have to string a DVI/HDMI cable aaaall the way across the room, I would also have to get an equally long digital audio cable. Probably end up costing about the same as a video AirPort Express (if they keep the prices the same) but with the added hassle of getting those cables across the room.

    This would be a lot less expensive than buying a Mac mini, especially if you already have a powerful desktop just waiting to play some HD videos...

    I see your point but I do not yet see HD over 802.11g. Maybe with some new codex and some decoding on the device, but I still don't think so. Come on Apple make a believer out of me.

    david wright shirtless. David Good is a trucking
  • David Good is a trucking

  • slffl
    Aug 28, 12:25 PM
    I hope we see a MBP upgrade soon. I'm getting restleless since I'm getting a new one as soon as they're updated. My 17" 1ghz PB is starting to show it's age :) .

    david wright shirtless. David Wright
  • David Wright

  • LightSpeed1
    Mar 24, 10:15 PM
    Do you guys see Thunderbolt replacing maybe the firewire ports one day?

    david wright shirtless. one
  • one

  • Daghis
    May 3, 12:52 PM
    Did you log into store.apple.com and show them? :D
    One of the two guys there did immediately go to a computer and check the web site while the other went into the back to find out what information he could. He came back and reported that the old iMacs were due to be sent back to Apple today and that new iMacs were going to be arriving imminently, but he couldn't say whether that'd be today, tomorrow, or any particular day.

    Using the Apple Store app on my iPhone, it shows that I can reserve the old iMacs at the regular prices at this store. At a store on the other side of Pittsburgh, it also shows the old iMacs, but the prices are reduced $100-300.

    Ah, it's just been updated. It's now showing the reduced prices for the old iMacs at my local store as well. Still no sign of the new iMacs in the app for reserved pickup yet.

    david wright shirtless. of David Wright(notes) and
  • of David Wright(notes) and

  • mmcc
    Apr 22, 08:47 AM
    when ur at ur home you'd be connected to wifi so usage wouldn't be a problem. i don't know why anyone pays for the $15/month plan that's a complete ripoff to begin with.

    My wife and I both opted for the 200MB plan because our usage over the previous year never exceeded that amount (and often never got close) even while on vacation and using Maps. Therefore paying twice that, or more, for unlimited usage is/was a waste of $. For two iPhones that saved $360/yr which is substantial for us.

    If the Apple service works like DropBox to sync all my music on all my iTunes/iPod devices AND is only active over WiFi, then I will probably make use of the service since it would essentially be the wireless syncing for which many have been asking.

    As an on-the-go music stream over cell service it is useless to me.

    david wright shirtless. a shirtless Chinese boy,
  • a shirtless Chinese boy,

  • Misplaced Mage
    Sep 27, 07:17 PM
    What I'm hoping for is that Apple uses the metallic finish of its nanos. My Sony Ericsson has a metallic blue finish but is actually made of plastic. It would be sweet to have a real metal phone. I predict Apple will launch in a single metallic color (the nano black or silver), and then within a year or less provide all the nano colors.A partially metal housing is certainly possible, but if a phone has an internal antenna there has to be a plastic "window" in the housing that the antenna can operate through.

    Metal housings are a pain for cell phone RF engineers because they have a nasty tendency to interfere with the radiativity (the "shape" of the radio emissions of the antenna). You generally can't use the housing itself as an antenna because it's difficult to get a uniform impedance match due to all the different ways people hold a phone, variations in skin conduction (not to mention SAR issues...), resting surfaces like metal tabletops, etc. The metal usually can't be left "floating," i.e., electrically isolated from the rest of the phone--though there are exceptions--and usually needs to be connected to the common phone ground to give it fixed RF characteristics, resulting in things like the spring fingers you sometimes see inside a phone that touch off on a point of a metal battery door.

    The RAZR is an excellent example of this. The bulk of the phone housing is metal, but there are numerous internal grounding contacts for the housing, and the area around the antennas is plastic (the "chin" below the keyboard).

    david wright shirtless. If David Wright is scoring
  • If David Wright is scoring

  • TechNut315
    Mar 23, 04:43 AM
    This is hardly a rumour, more just pointing out the obvious. What I want is

    � SB i5 quad processor in the 21�
    � Thunderbolt
    � GPU upgrade (although I would like something at least as powerful as 5770)

    � 2 HDs standard, 1 x 64GB SSD, 1 x 1TB HD availabe for 21"
    � 2560 x 1440 resolution available for 21�
    � Blu-ray

    Think the design will be the same, this time around. Re-design next time with Lion pre-installed and maybe, just maybe a touch screen

    david wright shirtless. David Wright – Socialite
  • David Wright – Socialite

  • jav6454
    Apr 10, 06:56 PM
    What's hard in the U.S. is that most people make a modest or poor salary--yet the culture is very materialistic and there is a lot of pressure to buy so many luxury goods and services. At least in third world countries, your friends aren't pressuring you to take extravagant vacations you can't afford or go out to expensive restaurants.

    Sorta right here. However, I see it as companies advertising them as price/wallet friendly while still being able to look/feel good like the rich people.

    david wright shirtless. Sportrait: David Wright [tr]
  • Sportrait: David Wright [tr]

  • lifeinhd
    Apr 23, 03:29 PM
    why would you tether to ur phone if u have an iphone?

    I don't have an iPhone. I have an Android phone (out of necessity), and syncing is so f'd up that I never do it. So I use the Android phone for phone calls, tethering, and Internet away from Wifi, and my iPod Touch for everything else.

    But I refuse to tether my iPod to my phone just so Apple can leave out the two 4GB chips and make the iPod even thinner.

    david wright shirtless. “David Wright#39;s shirtless
  • “David Wright#39;s shirtless

  • kashimo
    Sep 17, 07:13 PM
    A few months ago it was reported that Apple was in talks with Softbank (formerly Vodafone Japan) to ofer and support the iPhone.

    Currently Softbank has started a promotion with Apple where you buy a phone and get an iPod Nano. It is called Talk. Rock. Could this be hints of things to come in Japan?


    Apr 25, 02:43 PM
    I just wonder what this will mean for storage space (SSD is expensive!) and for discrete graphics. The refresh can't be as thin as the Air itself if they want to keep room for a graphics chip.

    Sep 4, 05:00 AM

    Apple will take advantage of a September 12 media event to introduce the second-generation iPod nano, an updated 5G iPod, and upgraded iMacs, sources report. Additional members of the media are slated to received invitations to the event this week..

    Oct 12, 07:56 PM

    Is that Omarosa helping Oprah and Bono?

    Machead III
    Aug 31, 02:08 PM
    There will are not relay organized at AppleExpo

    LMFAO! http://www.starshipbuilder.com/forums/images/smilies/laugh.gif

    Apr 11, 02:47 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The marantz one is, you have to pay $40 to uPgrade firmware to get AirPlay working at all. At least you did with early versions, not sure about current versions, AirPlay may work without upgrade with those.

    Ok this makes no real sense to I figure Apple is behind it. Merantz and Denon both have upgrade and both same price. Are they for real, come on Airplay upgrade WTF. I smell Apple crazy behind it. :rolleyes:

    I guess its a software upgrade to their internal chip, but I still think its stupid, if your going to buy a 1000 plus receiver this is just dam bad PR to me.

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