wallpaper blue green

wallpaper blue green. lue whale wallpaper
  • lue whale wallpaper

  • Eorlas
    Apr 5, 02:49 PM
    I'd bet that Steve Jobs has a jailbroken iPhone with biteSMS because he knows how awesome it is to be able to quick send/reply...

    wallpaper blue green. poaf hat lue green picture
  • poaf hat lue green picture

  • zoran
    Aug 2, 04:01 PM

    wallpaper blue green. in rich teal lue green
  • in rich teal lue green

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 18, 02:51 PM
    Pretty textbook case of biting the hand that feeds you here, even if Samsung business units are separated.

    wallpaper blue green. COOL BLUE GREEN BACKGROUNDS

  • toddybody
    Mar 28, 10:31 AM
    im the opposite, this would be devastating to me as my contract runs out June this year......

    wallpaper blue green. Blue planet Green sun
  • Blue planet Green sun

  • aswitcher
    Aug 7, 02:26 PM
    Excellent. Now it's time to wait for the sub-$2000 "Pro" desktop announcement. There's a suspicious gap in their lineup. Mac Pro Cube (http://macprocube.com), perhaps?

    Agreed.I was heartened to see no Core 2 duo low end for this very reason.

    wallpaper blue green. lue-green-spiral-wallpaper.
  • lue-green-spiral-wallpaper.

  • fxtech
    Mar 29, 05:28 PM
    Why couldn�t you let it slide? Assuming you don�t like people �imposing� their beliefs on you, why would you impose yours on others? I think there�s a word for that.

    Well considering less than 15% of Japanese are religious at all, you have to wonder who benefits from the prayers. Just the 15% who believe in that stuff? All of them? The person doing the praying? Things that make you go "hmmmm".

    wallpaper blue green. Blue Green Wallpaper
  • Blue Green Wallpaper

  • WildCowboy
    Jul 21, 02:42 PM
    I 3rd this.

    Why not update them too? I understand that the MBP is PRO but still. What would the MB's be getting then as far as an update at some point?

    If they continue to use Yonah, it differentiates the lines better and either allows Apple to reap a bigger profit as Yonah prices drop or they can pass that savings along to the consumer. (Or they can use the money saved on Yonah chips to up the standard RAM configuration to 1 GB...)

    wallpaper blue green. Aurora Burst Blue Green Purple
  • Aurora Burst Blue Green Purple

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 11, 03:42 AM
    The answer is 288.

    Anyone with a decent education is taught B.E.D.M.A.S not PEDMAS.

    Brackets.Exponents. Division.Addition/Subtraction in that order!

    /End thread.

    I was taught BODMAS (Brackets, order ...) when I was about 10. Then you never use it again so long as people learn to write maths equations properly.

    wallpaper blue green. Blue Green Line Art Wallpaper
  • Blue Green Line Art Wallpaper

  • JoshH
    Aug 2, 02:23 PM
    I wouldn't be surprised if all that happens is Leopard previews, Mac Pros and Steve rips his shirt off and crowd surfs.

    No, I think this is the closest so far :)

    wallpaper blue green. stock photo : Blue Green Star
  • stock photo : Blue Green Star

  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 09:39 AM
    :D :D :D

    Shouldn't that be "Received in your backyard... no wait, your kitchen..., no wait, your bathroom... hmmm, hmmm, hmm, hm, hmm,... hey wash your hands now that you are finished!... now received out the front door, getting into car... did you know your license has expired?... Just help'n you out... :rolleyes: :eek:

    Not much in the way of explanation from Steve...

    Guess that e-mailer is probably learning the ins and outs of his new Droid...

    Made me think of this...hilarious


    wallpaper blue green. lilac lue and green with
  • lilac lue and green with

  • Andronicus
    Apr 18, 02:50 PM
    Release the hounds

    wallpaper blue green. party bunny lue green picture
  • party bunny lue green picture

  • DavidCar
    Jul 22, 10:38 PM
    I'm with Multimedia i don't see why Apple would intentionally cripple the Macbook with yonah when they coast exactly the same and are just a drop in upgrade.
    Maybe the low end MacBook will keep Yonah and get a price drop, while the higher end MacBook, black and white, will get Merom. That might lead to the most sales, to both those looking for a cheaper MacBook, and those waiting for Merom.

    wallpaper blue green. Blue and Green Wallpaper for
  • Blue and Green Wallpaper for

  • inlovewithi
    Apr 26, 02:29 PM
    This was inevitable given the number of phone models each OS is on. It was clear to see from way off. However if Apple are making more money than Google from these units it won't be anything for them to worry about.

    It's much like Windows and OS X, there's the volume model (Windows) and the Apple model. I'm happy with my iPhone and I haven't met anyone who's been unhappy with theirs either, that said, I've also not spoken to any friends who are unhappy with Android.

    Competition is good and while ever there is the competition then innovation will be driven more than if there was a monopoly, so this can't really be seen as a bad thing.

    This Apple. They don't need competition to innovate or make their products better, it's in their DNA.

    wallpaper blue green. Space Light Wallpaper psd file
  • Space Light Wallpaper psd file

  • MorphingDragon
    May 6, 06:58 AM
    I want them to go AMD across the board.
    I'd like that.

    AMD is currently a bang for buck chip maker, I doubt you'll see them CPUs in Apple products. Plus until Fusion develops some more the thermal envelope isn't too good.

    wallpaper blue green. Blue Green And White Passion
  • Blue Green And White Passion

  • thisisahughes
    Mar 28, 11:29 AM
    The only behavior that seems to be awarded is: give Apple money is soon as you can and don't ask any questions.

    that's what I do.

    wallpaper blue green. Tags : lue, green
  • Tags : lue, green

  • ChazUK
    Apr 18, 03:35 PM
    I'm reading that this includes the Nexus S (which has no samsung touchwiz "optimisations" at all).

    Why doesn't Apple simply go for the jugular and hit Google with an Android lawsuit?

    wallpaper blue green. Seamless Wallpaper Pattern
  • Seamless Wallpaper Pattern

  • toddybody
    Apr 7, 09:37 AM
    Ehh, purposeful or not (as a sabotage)...not good news for iPad competition:( Which isnt good news for us iPad users...Apple needs constant pressure to release revolutionary products.

    wallpaper blue green. green kitchen wallpaper green
  • green kitchen wallpaper green

  • spazzcat
    Mar 29, 08:59 AM
    isn't dropbox the same thing?

    wallpaper blue green. Green and Blue Vista Wallpaper
  • Green and Blue Vista Wallpaper

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 7, 03:58 PM
    Apple is anticompetitive and should be shut down. By producing products customers want when others in the industry can't, they are forcing the competition out of business.

    Thanks for the feedback, comrade.

    All Apple did was created a premium brand. Technology was cheap and affordable in the MP3 market. You could pick up an MP3 player for under a $100 bucks until Apple came into the market with its $300 dollar iPod.

    Bear in mind that the original iPod was the only one with the combination of capacity (5GB) and physical size (pocketable) that made it attractive to the general market. The Creative Nomad of the time looked like my old portable Sony CD player. :(

    So it's not that Apple created a market for devices at a particular price point - they created the devices people wanted to buy. At the right price. There was nothing "premium" about the original iPod when you saw what you got for the money. The equivalent 2.5" hard drive of that capacity at the time was selling for as much as the iPod.

    Apr 20, 03:22 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I think Apple needs to concentrate more on improving iOS rather than adding a faster processor. Tbh I'm pretty fed up of my iPhone 4 as the is just looks boringly simple. Not everybody wants the same old os on every device. I think it's the omnia 7 next for me so I can have a change.

    Agreed. I moved from my good ol' 3Gs to a ZTE-Blade a few months ago and have to say that despite the general black/grey colors that android apps seem to be forced to use with the UI, the 'desktop' of the phone is much more elegant and usable than the iPhone's. I'd really like to see Apple open up the API's a little more and maybe even allow us to completely swap out their homescreen for custom app based ones. It works well on the droids.

    May 5, 07:41 PM
    Which is why, of course, US News reports that 6 out of the top 10 universities for engineering and IT are not in the US? Once upon a time the US owned that list.

    Fine, but prove to me it's because of the metric system.

    Apr 24, 08:09 AM
    That one hell of an icon lol

    May 7, 12:50 PM
    I agree, nuckinfutz. I signed up for the old, free, iTools during Steve's MWSF 2000 keynote (and got a great email address.) Basic services could easily be made free again, advanced services could cost a little. Apple makes most of their money from hardware sales, so it's possible that the free MobileMe component could add enough value to generate more hardware sales for Apple.

    Even if the extra initial cost to Apple outweighs the increase in hardware sales, it could be beneficial for Apple in the medium to long term. Because there's another potentially huge long-term benefit for Apple. If all or nearly all Apple customers join MobileMe, they will create a larger MobileMe market to sell into. By 'sell' I mean iAds. It's entirely possible that MobileMe could become completely free if you and I and other users are willing to put up with the fancy new iAds that Apple is working on.

    So what would make us put up with the iAds? Great content. We could stream movies, TV, and even audio when we're away from our Macs. Apple may not want to go 100% "cloud" since the "cloud" may never be 100% reliable. Apple no doubt wants to avoid the kind of disaster that Microsoft / Danger users experienced if at all possible.

    But if Apple does a few more deals in Hollywood, I wouldn't be surprised if MobileMe gets renamed to "The Apple Channel" or something like that. As internet media streaming becomes more popular, Apple will be able to use its MobileMe infrastructure to become even more of a media powerhouse. iAd commercials and all.

    Apr 18, 03:14 PM
    LG was first (before iPhone) to release smart phone with capacitive screen and UI that looks suspiciously close to iPhone. Here is Prada:


    If Apple prevails in court. LG would be stupid not to sue Apple (and they would probably get more money considering iPhone volumes).

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